I. am. ancient.
In related news, I feel MUCH better having found out that it's NOT that I can't keep up while dancing on a Saturday night with a 23 year old. It's that I can't keep up dancing on a Saturday night with a 23 year old on cocaine! (My response to which was "OMG who DOES that?")
Yeah, 4 year olds don't even need the cocaine.
Things that are still going on, and of which I am tired: the endless summer of the South; the battle of the two cats in my house; the cat-herding of starting a Girl Scout Troop; the expensive family adventures in dentistry (seriously: this year so far our outlay is over $6000.). I so want something girly and escapist like buying makeup I will then never wear, but I have no extra money to do so, due to buying cat food and dental work and girl scout books.
Things that are still going on, and of which I am tired: the endless summer of the South
Tell me about it.
$6000 worth of dental work! Yikes, that sounds like a nightmare.
(My response to which was "OMG who DOES that?")
Tell her the 80s have been over for a long damn time.
Coke never went away, in some circles.
Crap, I could use some coke right now (NOT REALLY). I am so sleepy, and am home from work, but have to go back out again! To go eat dinner in the dark with strangers. Why did I think this was a good idea?
Christina Hendricks is officially the most objectified woman I don't mind seeing be objectified.
That photoshoot is going to make The Boy pass out. It hits pretty much every goddamn one of his buttons.
(And more than a few of mine...)
Sigh. It does nothing for me expect to make me think, "Damn, that must be uncomfortable to stand in those positions while they're getting lighting and everything right."
Still stuck on Kinsey 0.