Which I don't know if I want to do, you know?
I don't know either. But white women get perms, and black women straighten their hair and it's not always about rejecting what you are. Sometimes it's just about trying on a different look.
Fashion and style are defined by choices. You don't have to be just what you're given. Or you can explore what you're given in a different way.
In any event, I've always admired people who took chances with their style and worked to explore it.
Maybe just stay away from the instructional guides, Liese. There ought to be a way for you to wear make up that just enhances your you-ness rather than transforming you, and it sounds like from what you've said today you could figure out how to do that on your own just by playing with light and shadow and color. Or transform yourself without regard to prevailing cultural norms about beauty. Or try a bunch of things and decide not to bother. Or decide not to bother pre-emptively. I wouldn't want make up that you're conflicted about to slow down your kayak acquisition, personally.
Yeah, that might be where I`m headed, -t. I mean, I`ll be plenty pretty when I`m all svelte and healthy and happy from rowing all the time, right?
You're plenty pretty now!
My pro-kayak agenda has probably been evident for some time.
For the record, the monistat anti-chafing gel really does work as well as the Smashbox primer. Plus it cost less than half.
OMG! I am buying this tomorrow!
Plus? It rocks at stopping chafing too. It's a multitasker. Next time I fully make up, I plan to try it out. Which will be awesome because I am almost out of my latest Photo Finish sampler.
I have had the theme for Terriers in my head for days. It's such a perfect background theme for daily stuff. Also? Where are we talking about H50? Nevermind, I'll just say it here. I'm old enough to remember the original show, and to have clear and fond memories of theopening montage. And while I'm loving the show SO much better than the original, I have a complaint about the opening montage.
Where's the war canoe? The outrigger with the crew of bronzed and muscley guys fiercely paddling against the current, muscles glistening in the sun as those arms rose and fell in synchronized beauty? Where? And where's the waist-to knees shot of the young woman doing the furious Tahitian-style hula, hmmmm? These are the important things, that cannot be just waved away by shots of another hotdogging surfer, no sir. Where's my damn war canoe?
I apologize in advance if my comments were offensive in any way to people who actually live, or lived, in Hawaii. They are an indelible part of my tv memories and I miss them in the new incarnation of the show. If there are good and correct reasons for eliminating them, then I shall abide.
I would miss the outrigger part, Beverly, because paddling is badass. If ever I move back to the bay area, I'd want to join a paddling club up there. (My friend J was chosen as a bridesmaid for a wedding because she could paddle... all the bridesmaids paddled the bride to the wedding while the bride stood on a platform... it's a bit much, but still).
Tahitian hula, on the other hand....? NSM Though my sister danced it for years in high school.
After seeing some great hula at a work event a few years ago, I'm totally into it.
I am also into the fact that my father took hula lessons when he lived in Hawaii as a boy.
Tis raining this morning. The road sounds are so much louder than usual.
Kat - does that mean you want to be in a paddling club to up your bridesmaid odds?