You've been talky meat the last 24 hours.
Last night I learned that mixing drinks in the dark (bar table was outside on the unlit deck) is a surefire way to get metaphorically knocked ass over teakettle. The strength varied so much, and that last one....well, I decided it was time for me to go home to bed. Whee! My apple crisp was a huge hit. The hostess's grandmother had thirds and I am to give her the recipe. Which is so lazy it is almost embarrassinh, but honestly, I think the magic was the apples. I had at least 3 varieties: stayman and the other two I forget. I looked for tart and crispy and sharp in the descriptions.
Despite the dark-mixed-drinks, felt fine this morning and my 2 mile swim was a very good one (sometimes it is an effort. Sometimes everything flows. This was one of those times.)
Today also was the debut of Loki's new purple! harness and leash. There is some backing up and drunk walking, but for the most part, the lure of the great outdoors proved too much. It'll take some time. TWICE strangers asked me if she was pregnant. No HE'S just fat. He is on a diet, damnit! And maybe this will help...
He's a lot more defensive outside. When someone he didn't know approached, he went all halloween cat and HISSED. I don't think he's ever hissed inside. Ok, maybe when he's scared himself. And then he met Kittyboy, who has never met a cat he didn't like and vice versa. And he met Loki. Who went all halloween cat and warning caterwauls. Poor Kittyboy was confused and kept following us. I guess to Loki, his housemates are not scary, but all others are.
And then he came in and barfed up grass all over my freshly cleaned floors.
What I also found interesting was that when one of my neighbors who has taken care of Loki came up, he went right to her. Clearly, he remembers her. In sad news, their old dog, the one I took care of, died today. She was just glad he went in his sleep, no vet visit required.
So now I am the crazy lady walking a cat on a leash.