What does TNR mean, sara?
We were at the IKEA outside Philly yesterday and learned that a bunch of stray cats apparently live in their underground parking garage. The guy we talked to said they'd tried to catch them dozens of times and have had no luck.
Okay, I managed to get a bit of stuff done between games. My Columbus Day project is the woodshed. Cleared it out today, except the shelf. Tomorrow I'll finish clearing and put in the new floor.
Trap, Neuter, Release. If you can't tame them and rehome them, it's a lot better to have a stable, nonprocreating cat colony.
I just had Graeter's PUMPKIN ice cream.
You all wish you were me.
So full of turkey and pie I may expire. And I finished eating like, 3 hours ago. IOW, Happy Thanksgiving! (Canadian style.)
Isn't it tomorrow?? I was all ready to wish it! But not until tomorrow....
Technically, the holiday is tomorrow, but I think 98% of people have their turkey today, because most people travel on Monday.
Oh, that makes sense. Better to hold the big event on the middle day. Ours is so weird, on Thursday.