Okay, this is completely alien to me.
Is that Comic Sans on the backs of their t-shirts? It never ends!
Anyway, what's alien? The idea that high-school girls would start a group meant to support "natural beauty," or whatever? Or the idea that high-school girls wear so much makeup that it's noteworthy that there's a day that they go makeup-free? Or something else?
(I'm serious about the goddamn Comic Sans.)
I can't speak to the high-school thing, b/c I went to an all-girls' school, so no one wore makeup or bothered to shave their legs until the weekend.
I went to a college, though, that was fairly well exactly like flea describes the one she works at, except my college was not in the South. But image-obsessed to an insane degree. It wasn't my happiest 4 years.
I mean, I would go to an 8:00 class in sweats, and there would be girls there in dresses, heels, pearls, and full makeup and hairdo. O_o
I don't know if it's Comic Sans, but if it's not, it's related. It doesn't look "comicky" enough, but it's also in all caps.
Eh, I see it as an adolescent enthusiasm that can be pro-feminism, pro-religion, both, mixed, whatev. Kinda strikes me as an offshoot of the whole Dove Campaign for Real Beauty idea. The premise is fine, since they don't appear to be all OMG, makeup is Teh Debil.
I think it's fine, but I imagine they are still using proactiv, shampoo, hairproducts, perfume, bras and deordorant on Tuesdays. And they are all very pretty girls anyway, with nary a case of cystic acne to be seen. (And it's only Tuesdays, not Friday or Saturday, heh. That would be Too Much.)
It's the only Tuesdays part that amuses me, but I couldn't possibly be arsed to wear make up on a daily basis until I found myself in my 30s in front of a classroom teaching.
Weirdly, the site that supposedly inspired them is about ending negative self-"fat talk." From my quick perusal, I don't see anything about makeup.
I in no way think it's a horrid ideal to have, but I do find myself gently amused by it. All the slim, pretty sixteen year olds with highlights.
I have several friends who wouldn't leave the house without a full face of makeup until well into their 20s.
The drill reached the Chilean miners!
The drill reached the Chilean miners!
Yay! How long have they been down there?