Cereal, since it seemed like it would be better to use a separate post:
I know this is very late to be doing this, but would anyone be interested in doing a quick and dirty Secret Goblin exchange for Halloween? My idea would be something like this: People send me an email saying they would be interested in the next couple of days, I'll assign secret goblin buddies and email people this weekend or early next week with their assigned buddies. People would then have a couple of weeks to buy or make a Halloween treat (let's say $10 limit) and get it in the mail by 10/25.
Huge hugs, Tom. And What Teppy Said.
Toward the end, she was on a LOT of morphine for the pain, and her breathing was very loud and painful. Her brother was visiting her, and starting singing songs from their childhood to her. My brother said this very serious 80-year-old-man sat by her bed and sang children's songs for an hour. At the end, she opened her eyes, smiled at him, and then died.
All dying is awful, there's no way around it, but that is so loving and lovely. I'm tearing up just seeing it in my mind. Blessings on all your brother's in-laws, on his MIL's memory, and on her brother for his loving presence.
do they still use hypnosis?
aw, poor Scola...my most traumatic things seem to blend together a lot so my date recall is off, but I remember a lot of stuff. Including things that I'm not sure why they stick.
Good for Mac for telling what's up...I can't help but think that that is a step forward.
I don't remember large swaths of my childhood, but I always assumed that meant I had a dull childhood, except for especially interesting vacations or seeing a deer a close range back in the hills and such. I've got a highlights reel, not a transcript.
I'd always just assumed that that's the natural way memory works. I mean, given time and concentration I can remember what teachers I had any given year, friends I hung out with, and big memorable events. But I can't recall the day-to-day minutia from last week, never mind three decades ago.
My best friend surprises me in that much of his childhood is a blank to him and I know it's not due to any childhood trauma in his case. I've always blamed it on his rooming with a stoner in college.
ON the cop shows, they'll snap to the suspect, "Where were you on the sixteenth?" I would have to fumble and say, "What day was that? What was on TV? I don't know!" Because I'd have to zero in on it from what I'd normally be doing on a Tuesday.
I want to write something like "Where were you when she disappeared?" "I don't know, when did she disappear?" "That's what we're trying to find out." "Well, if you don't know how should I know?" I'd get arrested just for being frustrating.
Where was I on the sixteenth? Let me check LJ and b.org and my email. It's all on record somewhere.
Can I go home now? Please?
Where was I on the sixteenth? Let me check LJ and b.org and my email. It's all on record somewhere.
Heh - that would be me. "The sixteenth? I don't know, what was my Facebook status?"
I think most people would.
I know of at least one case Ann Rule wrote about where they were only able to pinpoint TOD because the two little-girl witnesses got to stay up and watch "That Girl" on the night in question.
I can't remember a lot of stuff from being about 8 to 14, and that's not because anything bad happened; just teenage stuff. It sounds like you're making progress, though, Tom, and it will come as it comes, or doesn't. You can remember what you remember.
Aw, poor Mac. But it sounds like he's working stuff out better, too, which is great in the long term.
My interview went well; I think I'll definitely get a call back for a 2nd interview. Now i just have to stress (a little) about DH's ex and family being here this weekend. I'm SO glad she lives on the coast. I mean, I wish D got to see M more, but I'm not at all sorry I don't have to deal with her more than I do.
Shallowly, my house looks great, and D said she was a slob. I am not very nice, because I am SO not this clean all the time, but I am happy to pretend I am. It would be nice if I were a bigger person, but I don't like her. And am happy to have little petty satisfactions, as long as it doesn't impact M. Even if they're only in my own mind.
/the meanest.