Growing up Catholic, not a lot of church shopping goes on (unless you're looking for the latest mass possible.)
I don't know, my town had the Irish Catholic church and the Polish Catholic church (although the only question that mattered was whether you went to the 1st Congregationalist or not).
Wow. His eyes are really fabulous there. And his mouth.
(unless you're looking for the latest mass possible.)
Saturday 5 p.m. mass was big in my town, because once you were in high school, you could go, grab a bulletin, hang out somewhere until after 6, and then go home and wave the bulletin at your parents.
I had a lot of Catholic friends with gullible parents.
The church I grew up in
It makes sense to me, but then our church was a major part of us kids' lives, with the school being part of it, and also Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, summer camp (which I never went to for some reason), etc....
Oh, James, oh.
I can't be the only one who clicked that link and thought "Nora Ephron!" upon seeing the cover photo.
Oh, James, oh.
Wow, he makes a very credible drag queen. I wish they'd used him instead of Stephen Dorf as Candy Darling.
James has the bone structure for it. Dorff in drag is pretty much the same as Bruce McCulloch from the Kids in the Hall.
I think I'd say "the synagogue I grew up in." I'd probably then make a confused face and say, "I mean ... you know what I mean," because I can't think of any better phrase.
I don't know, my town had the Irish Catholic church and the Polish Catholic church (although the only question that mattered was whether you went to the 1st Congregationalist or not).
I grew up in a pretty small, pretty homogenous town. But we did have a Polish Catholic Church. At the rest of them the highland Scots were predominant.