Oh dear god - I think I'll never eat Chicken McNuggets again....
Say hello to mechanically separated chicken. It’s what all fast-food chicken is made from—things like chicken nuggets and patties. Also, the processed frozen chicken in the stores is made from it.
Basically, the entire chicken is smashed and pressed through a sieve—bones, eyes, guts, and all. it comes out looking like this.
There’s more: because it’s crawling with bacteria, it will be washed with ammonia, soaked in it, actually. Then, because it tastes gross, it will be reflavored artificially. Then, because it is weirdly pink, it will be dyed with artificial color.
But, hey, at least it tastes good, right?
The description is gross as well, so I whitefonted in case you want to continue to eat chicken nuggets.
Zakim Bridge! I also enjoy the Salt and Pepper Bridge, mostly for its (nick)name.
tommyrot, that explains why the last few times I've had chicken nuggets they made me sick to my stomach.
eta also, damn, between that and pink slime, I wonder if there's any protein at McD's that doesn't come with a side of ammonia.
eta also also, I just now clicked that link and actually said, "OH GOD" out loud. People, be warned, it looks like
strawberry softserve
Happily, or sadly, depending, Chik-fil-A nuggets are actual chunks of chicken breast. Happily, because not yucky in the way described above; unhappily, because that means I still eat them, and factory farming of chicken in general is not good.
it looks like...
I gasped at that photo too but thought,'
Oh my god. A pink python out of some radioactivity mutates all the things horror movie.
I'm just thankful that I haven't been in a McDs in eons. Though, I have actually eaten that stuff in the past.
Despite the revulsion, tommy, I really appreciate that link. I'm gonna pass it around.
flowering weed from my yard, any clues?
It looks like some kind of fairy lily (Zephyranthes candida), but you may want to google and compare the foliage.
Back in high school, when I worked at the weight watchers camp in the summer, the chef told me he had seen a film about how they made chicken nuggets and that he would never eat them again.
the chef told me he had seen a film about how they made chicken nuggets and that he would never eat them again.
My dad has said the same about seeing a hot dog factory. I told him NEVER to tell me.
Hivemind help for the cooking impaired: when a recipe says to cut a zucchini "crosswise," what does that mean? The way you would normally cut it? So it comes out in discs?
I do not like Ponte Vecchio, was a huge let down on my trip there.
High Bridge is one of my favorites in NYC [link] I loved rowing under it.