My dad's side of the family is that way. My folks didn't mention one of my aunts died until nearly a month after it happened. They're not close.
My sisters, however, tend to call each other the second after something happens. So we've got that going for us.
So glad he's ok, ita!
And sounds like my fam, too. My mom has this...thing where if my sister knows about something (my sister lives in the attic) then I know about it. Through amnioosmosis? Which I don't have.
If something happens with my dad or my brother, I pretty much have to rely on my mom or SIL to tell me, and that's WITH talking to those men regularly. Hell, it was my mother who emailed me to tell me that dad got the call his sister's cancer was back and it was terminal. He did get better about passing along the news, but even then, he was only getting it because either John would call, or mom would make my dad call if two days had passed.
But even she doesn't tell me about the bike accidents. But I think she's just grown numb to them.
if my sister knows about something (my sister lives in the attic) then I know about it
Sounds like a pretty good movie.
Yikes, ita. I'm so glad he's okay.
My father used to do the same thing when it came to my mom's health until my brother and I put our collective foot down. No more calling when she'd already been in the hospital for three days, and it wasn't looking good. Argh.
Go, sara! What fantastic work. I'm really really sure I wouldn't have the patience or persistence to tackle that project.
How old is your dad going to be?
::does furious math::
73. Whoa. Time is flying.
My sister and I might have covered every topic under the sun and gay sex twice, including the tropical storm that cut off power and water to their homes and the family death, but the thing with the GUNS didn't come up. Then I called home and yelled at my mother ("Fucking armed robbery, seriously?" was my opener), who told me to call my father's cell. He said he would have told me when I came home at Christmas.
Well, once I was living with this: [link] , it was all or nothing. And nothing annoyed the everlovingFUCK out of me, so. Keep in mind, that was July 10 or so. I bought stripper with my birthday dinner money. I've since spent $100+ on it. And probably spend that much more. And possibly another 3 months.
Apparently it's my place to assure people threatened with guns that they did the right thing. Because I'm the threatened with guns expert in the family. I'm not sure that's what they bargained on when they sent me off to school. But Daddy did just what he was supposed to do. Even if he wondered if I'd have done the same thing.
Which I would have. Just as well, because there was a second gunman in the back.