Cash, have you tried apple cider vinegar? Key is to build a trap with a small opening so they can get in but not out. You can take a small soda bottle, cut off the top third and flip it to make a funnel, tape it back in, dump a little vinegar and there ya go. I use the corner of an envelope to make the funnel opening even smaller.
I need to give a try. Looks better than the iphone app I'm currently using, and budgeting is going to get really important really fast.
This weekend: Maybe working a few hours tomorrow (don't wanna), reading carpentry books, decluttering, cleaning off DVR, etc. OH! A friend from HS is showing a movie here she wrote and directed, I might try and go see that.
There's another trick, Cash -- you can put cider vinegar in a jar, cover it with plastic wrap, and poke a couple holes in the top.
I like Pix's plan because there is wine for me in it!
What are people doing this weekend?
Last night's flying lesson was canceled due to weather, so I may have a rescheduled lesson tonight. Tomorrow I'll be meeting up with some people for a wine tasting. Sunday, who knows. Maybe some cooking and/or cleaning. I like cooking so much more when it's cool out.
Our weekend starts with soccer games. Em has one at 8:00am in a nearby town (have to get up early on a Saturday morning, waaaah!) and Leif has one at 9:00am. We'll have to split forces to manage it.
I would love to wear a sweater -- it is so warm and muggy here still. YUK.
I was chilly this morning. What's up, LA? Though, to be frank, I've loved the weather this week, and have worn velvet twice. So there's that.
I think I will be reading a lot this weekend, since I'm still in liminal first love with the Nook. God, I adore that thing. It's a miracle I'm not licking it. I've already finished one book. I haven't actually
a book in forever. I have so many started.
Since I have nothing specific scheduled, I hope to get off my ass and complete two tasks: new batteries for both my watches, and three skirts in to get altered.
Today's tokenistic dressing involves cowboy boots again, garnet ring (finger still big, WTF?), and a blouse my mother bought me in India. It's a bit intensely yellow, but it was bought with love, so I wear it in that sentiment.
Cooking reminds me of a Note To Self: Do the auto-clean on the oven when it's cooled off, but you aren't actually wanting to cook anything that day.
A note to people who might be mean to me: gun optional.
It looks like Pete Rouse will be the new Chief of Staff. He's supposed to be a lot calmer.
The article seems to think he'll help the Prez get some climate legislation passed, but personally I don't think that's possible with conservatives more in favor of disbanding the EPA.