I would love to wear a sweater -- it is so warm and muggy here still. YUK.
I was chilly this morning. What's up, LA? Though, to be frank, I've loved the weather this week, and have worn velvet twice. So there's that.
I think I will be reading a lot this weekend, since I'm still in liminal first love with the Nook. God, I adore that thing. It's a miracle I'm not licking it. I've already finished one book. I haven't actually
a book in forever. I have so many started.
Since I have nothing specific scheduled, I hope to get off my ass and complete two tasks: new batteries for both my watches, and three skirts in to get altered.
Today's tokenistic dressing involves cowboy boots again, garnet ring (finger still big, WTF?), and a blouse my mother bought me in India. It's a bit intensely yellow, but it was bought with love, so I wear it in that sentiment.
Cooking reminds me of a Note To Self: Do the auto-clean on the oven when it's cooled off, but you aren't actually wanting to cook anything that day.
A note to people who might be mean to me: gun optional.
It looks like Pete Rouse will be the new Chief of Staff. He's supposed to be a lot calmer.
The article seems to think he'll help the Prez get some climate legislation passed, but personally I don't think that's possible with conservatives more in favor of disbanding the EPA.
I've already finished one book.
Hunger Games,
We're cleaning and hitting the farmer's market and possibly IKEA on Sunday to look at furniture and stock up on meatballs. Sara has a lunch date with my mom tomorrow, and I should see my grandmother sometime in there, too.
Man, that story was in the middle of a run of horrible things on Gawker this morning. Where are the drunk starlets? Mean pubishers? Something.
Yikes she was from Kansas City too. As someone else from Kansas City, let me assure everyone I've never traveled four or more hours away to kill someone.
I bought Hunger Games the other night when i was at B&N because i've seen so many people talking about it. the blurb on the back didn't grab me, but i'm rarely led astray with regards to literature. I might save it to read on my flight to Chicago next week.
The SFFD has its own ladder shop.
Aw, man, that is totally cool!
Watching more Leverage
An excellent plan. Is this your first time through?
SUPPOSABLY. I thought it was coming yesterday!
SRSLY! I was enormously grateful (I always want to spell that greatful) to get through my morning commute without a downpour, but now it's looking like it will eff up my evening one. I was hoping it would all be OVER by tonight. Whatev.