Seriously, I should take a picture of the dining room table and post it tonight. It is comical, even without a cat in the middle of the chaos. And sad.
I would put my dining room table up against anyone's for sheer untidiness. 4 cardboard boxes from Amazon and Woot, two cameras (one still in box), two boxes of daffodils to be planted, a bag of cosmetics, a resistance exercise band, two handbags (both full), a box of batteries, two boxes of contact lenses, a screwdriver set, two boxes of feminine hygiene products, mailing labels and two padded envelopes, a bra, a pair of fuzzy socks, a box of Kleenex, the smoke alarm I took down from upstairs, an extension cord, a tube of Neosporin, a set of stovetop drip pans, a plastic plate, a plastic cat bowl, two ice cube trays, a bag of coupons, a bag of random crap from the last overnight trip, two manila envelopes of Important Documents, an ice scraper, a catch-all box I took out of the junk drawer to organize two weeks ago, a catch-all basket I took out of the bathroom etc., and an item of clothing that was to be returned but it's probably too late. Under the table, four more cardboard boxes to be mailed out, and a pair of slightly-damp pants hanging over a chair.
Good lord. Doing an inventory of untidiness is a great motivator to clean.
Five foot tall brown penguins? The fuck. They're not supposed to be bigger than some people. Or browner.
Okay. So. I am doing the great paperwork shuffle, too. And the business stuff is going fine, because I have appropriate places for all that, even if it usually doesn't make it there.
But with the personal stuff...what do you guys do for paper life cycle for like, mail?
If I had the shelf in my entryway, ideally it would run: Mail comes in and goes in a big pile/basked in the entry. Junk mail is sorted out and immediately shredded. Magazines/catalogs go on coffee table shelf until read and recycled after the next one comes in. Personal mail...dunno. Not too much of that. Bills get opened and dealt with and then...what? Filed? Shredded? Work mail goes in the in basket, which then changes over to office flow. Outgoing mail?
I dunno. Right now it all just comes in and sits on the dining room table for months. The SO does the bills, and most of that electronically, so he tends to never open the paper. But the paper says stuff we need to know, sometimes, like, don't pay us any this month. I just don't have a good process flow.
OMG, I'm not sure I even want to save that for when I get home.
Scola, somebody needs an "It's fucking great," t-shirt.
News just in: difference between what's attractive in men and women. I can't actually get mad at the idea that JT's hands are more conventionally attractive than Madonna's. And, seriously, I want veins like either of theirs. I have perfectly delicate girly veins and they aren't worth shit. But men who look
like women aren't traditionally considered as goodlooking, and neither are women who look
like men. That ain't new. Or it?
And I say that as I think that bigger, stronger, fiercer women and softer, gentler men are also attractive.
Oh, god, I need sleep. I've totally confused myself.
If you were common law and had changed your name, they'd just want to see evidence of the name change.
Which would be my passport and old DL which both have the married name, right?