Someone turned the rain off! Thank you, whoever did.
I never thought mentioning the other person's strength of character or will or whatever could be upsetting
I always think it's better just to be as honest as possible: "I can't imagine how hard this is for you" or "You're doing such a good job, and I know it's exhausting and frustrating."
Which is not to say I haven't erred the other way, because I'm sure I have.
That bitch the insomnia fairy was busy last night. I got maybe 3 hours sleep.
Let's hope we ran her ragged, Tom. I can't believe she had me up at midnight! The cow! Some people hadn't even started trying by then.
Why am I wearing a turtleneck? I may need to revisit this sartorial choice.
I defeated the insomnia fairy by taking sleeping pills. Now I am so gronkified... not being terribly productive right now.
And it seems my good eye keeps watering, so I keep having to blink to be able to read my monitor.
I locked Existing Cat in the bedroom and have let New Cat out to roam. He is frisking all over, nervous and tentative.
Existing Cat has taken to sitting at the door of the room he is usually shut in and growling and hissing. Joy.
I think I've broken Hubby of saying "I don't deserve you" and "You're too good for me." Because I said to him, "What am I supposed to say to that, 'You're right, I am too good for you, I'm leaving'?" I also pointed out that saying he doesn't deserve me could be taken as an insult of my decision-making abilities that I would stay with such a loser for 25 years. I much prefer him to say, "I love you a whole lot." It covers a lot of ground.
I defeated the insomnia fairy by taking sleeping pills
Is that how it works?
Wait, no...
I think I will start out my sleep diary with last night. I hate checking the clock every time I wake up, since I think it messes with my ability to get back to sleep easily, but since I did, I might as well write it all down. I'm worried they gave me a sheet about a sleep study, though. Why would they do that for a 9am appointment? Must have been an error. Though I will call in.
saying "I don't deserve you" and "You're too good for me."
I don't think I could tolerate someone that did that to me. But I'm really gunshy.
Bread pudding for breakfast is the win. Between starting to bake bread myself and this, I haven't stopped by my Coffee Bean in forever.
I think I need a t-shirt that says "Spirit Warrior for Secularism" Because that concept is funny to me because I am the least spiritual person I know. I've tried, but mostly while meditating, I just get an earworm or something and wonder for the three millionth time what a "pompatus" is.(It is still good for unfocused anxiety and whatnot, but "Eat, Pray, Love," would have been very different if I'd written it.) Elizabeth Gilbert wouldn't have laughed so hard at the "Rahm Emanuel's effect on Political Discourse, 2020" Internet sketch. But I thought I might choke and die from when the grad student answers "Who did Emanuel beat as mayor of Chicago?" with "Some asshole,"
ita, of course you're right.
Jess, you're funny.
Kat, I too often feel the urge to say "I do it because I didn't get a vote." And, honestly, I don't really feel like I handle the challenges all that great...just yesterday I had a total self-pity freakout,