I think "When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me" was first said by the great philosopher Ralph Kramden, as he demonstrated it on a chalkboard. Who can argue?
If one builds a playset for one's kid in one's backyard, and in the process destroys an anthill, would the ants feel better about losing their home and their ant-babies and their queen if they knew it was all for a reason? Even if everything does happen for a reason, maybe it's a reason we don't care about. I can't get behind the human-centric view of the universe.
"there is always 'a rat' in 'separate'."
Oh, I need that one. Nice.
My most usefull spelling mnemonic is "there is always 'a rat' in 'separate'." I always had problems spelling that word until my supervisor at my college library job told me that little ditty.
Blessings on the head of you college library job supervisor! I still eff that one.
Hehehe. Okay annoying platitudes are cracking me up. And I did totally point to see what happened. Only, I pointed at the dog, who is now looking at me expectantly. I am unclear on what, precisely, he is expecting.
In aww news, I'm texting right now with one of the girls who came out to me a couple of years ago, and they're in the middle of an ugly and painful breakup. And the other girl is possibly involved with a boy, making it even more confusing and upsetting to the girl I'm talking to. Life is so hard at that transitional age (super early twenties). I wish I had better easier things to say to make it all okay. But I'm glad she's talking to me.
Classes today were really good, with two students doing super awesome. And while I'm doing post-vacation laundry, it was worth it for the awesome relaxing I managed. Ooh, and there was a new display of Japanese nettles at the aquarium, about whom I am deeply worried, because it seemed like their tentacles kept getting caught on each other. And one broke off of the littlest one. Will he be okay?
Hmm. Internet tells me, probably. And they untangled themselves mostly during the time I was there. So they're probably fine.
Life is so hard at that transitional age (super early twenties)
I'm assuming I'm in for some sort of emotional fuckery sometime soon, because life was not so hard for me in my early twenties, nor did I have teenage angst.
It's gotta happen eventually. I certainly deserve it.
I also deserve an image editing application. Can I have that?
"Everything happens for a reason."
Some of those reasons are just shittastic, is all.
This is certainly my theory. I don't need more character. It already takes a forklift to move around the character I have. I knew how to smell the roses prior to a metric fuckload of misery. The misery just meant that I had to let the roses die. It made me who I am today, but I think I could have been a better person without it. If I ever find out that there is a God, and all this was a bar bet with Satan, I'm going to storm heaven.
Sometimes the Supernatural portrayal of God is oddly comforting.
Unless, of course, you're traditionally Christian, I suppose.
Oh, my dad used to say "God evens everything out in the end" as a way of telling me not to complain when things were unfair.
As an adult I resent him or saying that, because if anything I err on the side of being too passive when unfair stuff happens to me.
I am unclear, but I think the God doesn't give you more than you can handle thing is a misquote. I Corinithians 10:13 talks about not being
more than you can bear, but that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish than suffering. [link]