PBR is so five years ago. Where's the Miller High Life resurgence??
PBR is back now, but now its referred to as "Pabst".
(Or at least it was, repeatedly, by the
nasal girl on the subway platform telling her three
friends for about five nasal minutes about how she really wanted some
so her friend called around to find a distributor that would sell
to the public and he found some
but it was all the way down on 115th street but the
was ONLY $17 A CASE!!!!OMG)
Javachick, if you like botanical gardens, San Antonio has a nice one: [link]
Pretty wedding dresses! Or, dresses to wear to weddings.
I have a million errands to do today. And then I want to walk and sit by the river.
Crud. No answer at the hardware store probably means they are closed on Sundays, huh.
I remember the Alamo as worth it, if only for the shock of seeing how tiny and indefensible it is. I had one of those moments when you see something you've read about and have to rewrite your entire mental picture.
I'm now earwormed with the (not quite historically accurate) song:
A hundred and eighty were challenged by Travis to die
By the line that he drew with his sword when the battle was nigh
Saying he who would die for Texas cross over
But he who would live better fly
And over that line stepped one hundred and seventy-nine
Douche alert. Makes the guy who wrote the pickup article look like a smooth and sensitive guy. Honestly, don't go there if you have any rape triggers, or just don't want to soil yourself.
However, I don't believe women are going to give up feminism and their "equality" anytime soon, and in the meantime I certainly do condone rape. It may be the only way we can turn the tide
He self describes as
an antifeminist (not to be confused with misogynist). I am a graduate student in Latin and I wish I were a pickup artist.
And I can't imagine why he wishes he were a PUA. I'm pretty sure he's not getting any. A definite argument for googling a guy before you get into it with him. Although I doubt he'd be able to hide himself for long.
Damn, I feel sorry for any plastic girlfriends he may have.
It's okay if I find him and strangle him with his own intestines, right?
Well, he clearly expects some woman to do that, Zen, so go ahead.
I hate it when people make me ill first thing in the morning.
The comments are fascinating. It's been forever since I've seen that sort of wounded self-entitlement ramped up to such a degree. He honestly believes that sex is a right of his, and that since no woman will ever be attracted to him, it's okay for him to go out and take it by force.
Well, duh, no woman is likely to be atracted to that level of douchenozzlery. But that's all on you. You
be less despicable, you just choose not to. What's the quote about all the common factors in your failed relationships being you?
eta: sorry to quease you, Amy.