cereal with angst:
Oh, dude, I hear you. The horror stories... One of our journals once published a big obituary of one of the Important Fellows on the cover, and we got the birth-death dates wrong. Like, really wrong. (My boss did it, too. Remembering that is the only thing that keeps me from crawling under the bed and hiding.)
Like this.
Ooh. Is that a Linotype machine in the background?
I thought you'd hire Medieval monks to do it.
We even got a cover spread color proof from the printer, and we all looked at it, and not one of us twigged to the fact that there was NOTHING ON THE SPINE.
t NSFW comment
as much as my innards are just so perpetually irritated that anything other than water is just adding to the irritation.
Dude, sometimes just water seems to bug mine. Also insent, Tep.
Eighteen years ago I actually got a couple freelance jobs for a smaller publisher waxing pages onto boards, and trimming them so the facing pages had even numbers of lines. Even at the time I was like, Seriously?!
Whuzza? How? Whuzza?
As in, it's not automated. As in, I am the pagination elf. Putting in pages numbers, by hand, and keeping track on a logsheet that isn't integrated with the management software. A hundred papers a month, that have to be completed within six weeks from the time they hit my virtual desk. Aiee.
Had the second half of my interview today. Wish any two people would've given me the same answers. Wish I knew if, if offered the job, I should take it. ARGH.