I am so worried about Mr. Kitty. Get better, MK!
Part of one of my dreams last night was that I somehow said I would work a couple of nights at a organic/co-op grocery store. And then Liza Minelli came to see me, because the clientele was so upscale she wanted to make sure I knew what I was gettng into. And to train me before I got there
I dreamed I was moving to New Orleans and I was all lost and had nobody to help me move, and then I though, "Wait, Nora!" It was such a relief.
Timelies all!
I hope Mr. Kitty gets better soon, sara.
Dude, where is everyone today?
I have done triage on the end-of-school paperwork tsunami, processed the gallon of strawberries we picked yesterday, and mopped the kitchen floor. Also sighted the coyote in our yard. Do I know how to party or what?
Sara, hoping the best for Mr. Kitty.
It's a long weekend, so I am at my folks place. I slept at least 10 hours last night. It was great.
I decided I was totally sick of being good budget wise and of eating at home, so I am at Mimi's finishing breakfast, and about to go to Target.
I have got to get off the couch. At least to deal with dishes and laundry.
My face is still swollen (post oral surgery). Yesterday I didn't leave the house and was in a pain med haze. Today, I've already showered, dressed, vacuumed, done laundry, and am contemplating the great outdoors.
The farmers market, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and Target are calling
I just ordered in lunch from the Mediterranean Deli. After some rain and thunder this morning it's starting to look gorgeous outside. I may go walkabout later.
I had a dream that I was living on a peninsula and there was a giant tsunami. I only saw up to the part where I could see the giant wave coming in my direction. . . then I either woke up or just forgot the rest.