ita, tell New Guy to change coasts. He'd fit it well with my project managers.
...Wait, no. You keep him.
Can you give his age range? I've been assuming he's a newbie moron and is treating the job like college, but I'm not sure if I just imagined him as fratboy because of his behavior, or if you'd said something else specific to made me think he was younger. (Not that it makes a difference, because he's a tool regardless. But now I'm curious as to which exact species of tool he is.)
ita, I'd make sure you email your boss directly to tell him. Maybe say something along the lines of "this is is just a reminder, as I'm sure new guy passed on to you that ... "
Cause I can totally imagine New Guy not passing on the message in hopes of getting you in trouble.
Can you give his age range? I've been assuming he's a newbie moron and is treating the job like college, but I'm not sure if I just imagined him as fratboy because of his behavior, or if you'd said something else specific to made me think he was younger. (Not that it makes a difference, because he's a tool regardless. But now I'm curious as to which exact species of tool he is.)
I've actually been assuming he's older just because he seems like the kind of tool who's gotten away with this shit before and thinks all companies work like that.
Twenty eight days until pitchers and catchers report.
To the WRONG CITIES. Stoopid Omar Minaya lost Bengie Molina and Joel Pineiro. The Mets need to fire his ass.
I'm awake, and have been for almost 2 hours.
At least it's Friday.
It IS Friday!
I'd gamble I'm not going anywhere through Sunday.
Liese, FTR, I'm not seeing your actual apostrophes, just the code...
Evidence. It's pretty cute I have to say.
I'm so glad it's Friday, even though I have stuff to do and a board meeting tomorrow.
Did anyone watch The Deep End last night?
Today is supposed to be a clean up the office daya t work, preparing for our move in April. We have giant bins for paper trash and for shredding. Except, almost no one seems to actually be going through their desks. I foresee my day wrangling people. ugh.
I have to say, I appreciated our official Clean Up Day at work -- no meetings were to be scheduled, you could wear jeans, they put out cleaning supplies, etc. People really did go through and get rid of a lot of crap. I'm pretty sure it originally started as a search for a missing important document, but still.
We have a Clean Up Day, called Pupil Free Day, between terms. Last year, I spent the whole day scrubbing my floor. This year, not so much.