Did anyone watch The Deep End last night?
Today is supposed to be a clean up the office daya t work, preparing for our move in April. We have giant bins for paper trash and for shredding. Except, almost no one seems to actually be going through their desks. I foresee my day wrangling people. ugh.
I have to say, I appreciated our official Clean Up Day at work -- no meetings were to be scheduled, you could wear jeans, they put out cleaning supplies, etc. People really did go through and get rid of a lot of crap. I'm pretty sure it originally started as a search for a missing important document, but still.
We have a Clean Up Day, called Pupil Free Day, between terms. Last year, I spent the whole day scrubbing my floor. This year, not so much.
It IS Friday!
Speak for yourself. I appear to have reached Saturday, here.
I should probably go to bed.
Oh frabjuous joy! May this week end with lightness and ease and me Getting Shit Done.
Speak for yourself. I appear to have reached Saturday, here.
Hmph. Crazy future-poster.
New Guy is older--late 40s, early 50s, maybe? That sort of entitled.
My boss knows I work shorter hours on Friday to keep my total down to 40. And even then, I work more than 40. But I'm already clocking out at around 2 today, if I come in at 9.
And the headache has been kicking my ass so badly this week I just need to start out slowly. So New Guy can take his delusions and do what he will with them--I'm perfectly happy to also tell boss I'll be late.
Cutie sleepyhead pictures.
Man, I will own up to having chronic lateness issues, and all around not being the world's best employee, but New Guy continues to astound me.
New Guy is older--late 40s, early 50s, maybe? That sort of entitled.
Wow, I totally was picturing frat boy entitlement, not man-entitlement. he seems like even more of an ass to me, then.
New Guy is older--late 40s, early 50s, maybe? That sort of entitled.
Wow, I totally was picturing frat boy entitlement, not man-entitlement.
Me too!
he seems like even more of an ass to me, then.
Big time.