I think everyone comes across as reasonable. And I think both the flight attendant and the pilot did what they should have done, given the protocol under which they are told to operate. Poor kid, though!
I am Jesse! But not so tall and with sloppier eyebrows and probably a worse pedicure.
Heh. My eyebrows could use some work. But my homemade pedicure is holding up OK....
My pedicure is a remnant from November, when sara was here. That's BAD.
So this spring, this is what's on my plate in addition to mom and work.
February - Olympics
March - move to a new apartment
April - blessedly free of obligations!
May or June - Grace comes home
June - 20th high school reunion
All of it just seems like stress to me.
Europium is cracking me up. Also, I love the hive mind.
West coasters need to let me know when it stops raining there so I can tell when we're going to dry out a few days later. They're predicting a foot of snow tonight and another 9 to 15 inches tomorrow. And that's just here at 6010 feet. Over 7500 they might get five feet! I had to rig up a shelter for the birdfeeder using concrete blocks, an inverted sawhorse and a sheet of plywood.
West coasters need to let me know when it stops raining there
Not raining at the moment in SF. This was supposed to the last of five storms and the next one doesn't come here until Sunday-ish.
Twenty eight days until pitchers and catchers report.
Catchers like Mary Rountree.
Still raining here (you get our weather, I think, liese). Rain tomorrow. Clear on Sat and Sun and Mon, rain on Tuesday.
Up here, rainy tomorrow, clear Saturday, cloudy on Sunday, rain again on Monday.
Yeah, I think so, Kat. It`s pretty messy here. Our band leader is stranded in Flagstaff; all the interstates are closed. If I were betting, I'd gamble I'm not going anywhere through Sunday.
But you have electricity again so housebound = not so great, but better with appliances!