I liked that segment, and I did get the point of "the hard bigotry of high expectations" FWIW.
Yeah, but I'm not sure he meets reasonable expectations. Haiti is a case in point. Zero chance for Republicans to block anything. 100% executive. So what happens. The U.S. sends massive amounts of troops in far more than needed. Turns away planeloads of aid from Doctors without Borders. Still not allowing aid workers into areas they consider dangerous, for instance where prisoners escaped. (80% of prisoners in Haitian jails have not yet been charged. And of course even some of those charged may not be guilty. And a lot the ones who are guilty may be trying to help family and friends, and you not roaming the streets imitating the gangs in "Escape from New York". ) The basic assumption behind U.S. behavior right now is that Haitians are wolves. We are rescuing dangerous wild creatures who we have to preventing from tearing out our throats while we save them. Aid workers who have been working in Haiti throughout the earthquake, say it is bullshit that they have never seen any sign of that kind of danger. I'm sure there have been isolated incidents, but nothing that would justify prioritizing men with guns over water and medical supplies. This has been the last straw for my Mom who never expected much from Obama and thus has not been as disappointed as a lot of people. Haiti has changed her attitude from seeing him as "someone I disagree with, but who has good intentions and is doing the best he can" to "that heartless bastard".
I'm checking my bag - the carry-on restrictions are so draconian these days I'd rather limit myself to books and check everything else.
I was feeling that way too until my brother bet me the checked baggage fee that my bag would get lost.
He's not *really* being a dick, he flies a lot for his job.
But, just based on the curling irons alone, I don't think I could get away with carrying on. I am too vain.
You can carry onn a curling iron! ...Unless you mean that the number of curling irons you are bringing would not fit inside a carry-on size bag.
Well, I was bringing three, but I could cull that down to two.
t rolls eyes at ownself.
Leaping to the end here to ask a business tool question.
Does anyone have a suggestion for an inexpensive virtual meeting product?
I need to organize program development for a women's organization I just joined and would rather not spend money.
I'm prepared to do it the old fashioned way with email and a conference call but thought I'd ask the hivemind for a creative solution.
Thanks for thoughts!
You have a much better chance of checked luggage not being lost with a direct flight. Also checking your luggage earlier rather than later decreases odds of it being check on the wrong plane. Downside (besides adding to your time in airport) is that the first bag put on a plane is the last bag off.
We use GoToMeeting at my job for online sharing, but I think then we still use our regular conference calling company as well.
Well, I was bringing three, but I could cull that down to two.
Ummm. Whut.
Yeah, I am totally ridic. One big fat one and a flat iron.
I might need to change my mind on what a good idea is.