Haiti Rescuers Deliver Newborn On Aircraft Carrier
The newborn was then named after the aircraft carrier.
Three-day-old Vinson is one of the youngest survivors of the Haiti earthquake. His mother escaped the earthquake and spent three days waiting to be treated by a Port-au-Prince hospital, before going into labor in a rescue helicopter on the way to the U.S.S. Vinson, the baby's namesake.
I've got 65...I use it a lot.
Can't imagine.
My father-in-law was on the Vinson way back when!
I can play the Kevin Bacon game with a newborn Haitian refugee. The world, it is small.
I have 400+ in my queue, but there are a lot of multi-disc items—mostly tv shows.
Wow, Vinson is lucky he wasn't born on a ship with a worse name. Vinson isn't so bad.
So, I am fighting the bitter desire for schadenfreude. See, an ex got laid off a couple weeks ago. Which i was only minorly enjoying. But then I found out Monday night that shed actually gotten FIRED. Which was soooo much more fun to think about her deserving. Only she got a new job today, one that sounds even freaking cooler. Like, working at a video game developer cool. I got no time to enjoy her misery that she brought upon herself by doing something stupid to get fired! (that was the story I heard). Hrmph.
I could lop a hundred off by removing series discs. I'm sure I'd still look weird.
172 in my (other company) queue.
Looking at mine, we have drag and drop as well. Huh. I don't know that I want to reorder though. I kinda like the surprise.
I maxed out my netflix queue.[edited after looking -it's down to 489] I am bad about just tossing on whatever looks ineresting and then never watching anything at all. I've got discs over on the shelf right now that I've had out for months. But I don't feel like watching them. And there's a lot of stuff on my DVR, that takes priority.
Kat, your whitefonted Bailey quote made me say "That's the Bailey I love" out loud.
I have very bad impulse control tendencies when it comes to adding to my queue. I put things on for the slightest reason. So I end up reviewing the queue fairly often to see what craziness I perpetuated, and re-order then. I have a strange one coming up, for just one dance scene. This is what I get for listening to spirited recommendations.
So, um. we have an interview to be on the show Hammer Heads!! [link] They would redo our front yard! And provide all the expertise and labor! And we love the show and think the folks on it are smart and charming!
On Monday they will come to our house to videotape us for the show (which would tape in March). How can I lose 40 lbs between now and Monday? And what do I WEAR?