I always thought it was exactly for TB's reason; same thing as with the stickers some people put on the front windows of their houses or apartments that say PETS INSIDE -- rescuer people, if there's a fire or earthquake or other disaster, please don't just pluck the large and obvious humans to safety and call it a day.
Stupid people memo
To: Mortuary Employee Who Just Sent My Boss a Certificate Of Death for Completion and Signature
Re: Your Instructions for Completion
They are clear, simple and to the point, and really the only issue I have is with the smiley face at the end. To which I can only say, JESUS WEPT, WOMAN.
And, lastly because it's the most important thing of all, YAY TOM THAT IS UTTER AWESOMECAKES!
Jesus, not your boss, right?
Jesus, not your boss, right?
Jesus is not her boss, though sometimes her boss gets confused.
Now that I've browsed the site ita linked to and see the gamut of pets (pigs, chickens and goats!) and alternatives to stick figures (you can have your whole family represented by penguins, or turtles, or flip-flops!) I am a little bit seduced by the cute.
This is the woman boss, who has a teenage daughter and sits on various high school advisory councils and thus spends much of her free time assaulted by emoticons. I'm sure she will just roll her eyes right out of her head, grit her teeth, and sign the damn thing.
I can't decide whether it makes it worse or better that this is actually not an emoticon but a hand-drawn smiley.
I don't think this guy knows that I can't switch the graphic on one of his pages because THAT PAGE NO LONGER EXISTS.
We have also started a regular Wednesday meeting which I am in charge of that is not just herding cats, it's herding feral cats while someone is spraying them with a hose and they've just eaten a bag of catnip-each.
Finally I have to update 10 lists that use SQL which I do not know. Therefore the rest of my afternoon will be spent painstakingly copying and pasting numbers into lines of code and hoping to christ that nothing gets moved or deleted or repeated or added because I won't know the difference. At least if I'm mucking around in HTML, I know enough to know if something is off.
This is my day. How is everyone else's?
I can't decide whether it makes it worse or better that this is actually not an emoticon but a hand-drawn smiley.
Dude. That's some serious obliviousness. Might as well have written LOL on the damn thing.
I'm waiting to start a conference call with subcontractors so they can tell us how doing something they agreed to do a year ago will be impossible, and by the way, the fact that we have documentation showing they agreed to do it in no way suggests that they can get it done.
Not that I'm cynical. Or bitter. Or wishing I could drink scotch at 3:25 pm on a work day.
Well, "loose motions" sure didn't mean what I thought it meant...
I have a query that doesn't make sense, and it's all my fault. 2+2 is just not adding up for me. Damned subqueries. That is my day. That and being spoken to pissily by the New Guy. He doesn't like when I redline his documents. I don't like when he sends them outside the team wrong. But I'm moving on. Now I want to ask him why his voicemail received indicator has been on for weeks, and how he knows when new mail comes in. Just need to frame it right.