I have actually priced a cleaning person. It ALMOST makes sense, except for the part where it doesn't, financially, for us.
Le sigh.
I think I may have to give in and sleep. I will dye and shower first, and I have to wake up at 4 or something, because I have papers to grade and class to prep for, but I am so zombiefied.
I took 2 Bendryl last night to get to sleep, and they are just staying with me all damn day. Ugh. so glad I pick up my Rx tomorrow; Ambien has its weird drawbacks, but feeling soooo out of it the next day is NOT one of them.
I think I missed the link by skimming and reading the quote rather than the original post. Sorry.
I wish that, when I make a mistake, people don't say, "Why did you do that?" As if "I made a mistake" isn't acceptable, as if there was some intentionality behind the stupid thing I just did.
I wish that my boss would not ask that, and also that she would not ask, "Why didn't you know that?" as if there were any possible answer to that.
We had a cleaning person clean for the first time today. Holy hell, the house is beautiful.
Yes! I love my cleaning service. I think I'd give up cable before I'd give them up.
Re: the Baldwin naked-guys link, I love naked men, but all I could think was, that guy covering himself by pressing a pineapple to his privates? Needs to relax and stop trying to prove his manhood. Ouch.
Just discovered my salon is donating clippings to Matter of Trust as well. My salon does a lot of charity work and fundraisers, so I shouldn't be surprised.
Timelies all!
I wish the weather would make up its mind and stop ping-ponging between 80s and 60s.
(Of course, it'll probably decide on 90+ degrees and humid.)
What are they going to do with the crude-oil-soaked immensely heavy mats of hair?
edited for tense
I wish that, when I make a mistake, people don't say, "Why did you do that?" As if "I made a mistake" isn't acceptable, as if there was some intentionality behind the stupid thing I just did.
If they are training you, it can be an effective way to find out your understanding of what happened, so they can fill in any gaps you might have instead of just saying "you did a wrong thing." If they aren't training you, on the other hand, they are just annoying douchenozzles.
What are they going to do with the crude-oil-soaking immensely heavy mats of hair?
Maybe net them and burn them? Not that I have any idea.
I think I would be too anxious to have a cleaning service. I could imagine spending a good few hours cleaning up before they arrived, which seems to defeat the point.
I could imagine spending a good few hours cleaning up before they arrived, which seems to defeat the point.
Moi aussi.
I would really like a cleaning person -- I don't do it enough, but have no problem with straightening. It's the Actual Cleaning I hate.