Hardison: "Someone's gotta fight the injured! I just found my niche!"
Unspoilery spoiler for tonight: we see him
Whoohah. He's a martial artist in real life. I'm kinda sad we'll never get to see his mad ninja skills on Show, but Hardison's cool as is.
Speaking of cosplay-- why do I keep thinking it has something to do with sex? Maybe because it sounds like pony play?
The actor was on last night's forgotten. I meant to say something earlier. I only saw in channel switching though, didn;t watch.
Steph, your friend is a jackass.
Though, if he doesn't want the cat anymore, even before he takes the cat to the pound, I'd suggest he ask around to see if he knows anyone willing to adopt.
Random history trivia question: In what war was the last time the US and French navies fought each other?
Steph, I would be way more passive-aggressive about it.
I wish I'd thought of that!
I can't believe he actually said "there will be one more stray on the streets," Tep. That's just ... really?
Yup, he really did. And he's generally a good guy.
Wow, I guess he is stressed out and scattered. Why not just keep the cat inside for a while. If things are so crazy it may not be the best time to try and deal with getting the cat fixed.
He is having a fairly shittastic time of this divorce (his soon-to-be ex is...unbalanced, to say the least), but -- yeah. WTF, man? Don't take it out on your cat.
And someone else commented on his LJ saying, basically, don't put your cat out on the streets -- if you take it to the pound, at least it'll have a humane death.
Was France the first military the U.S. fought against in WWII aside from Japan? I was thinking that might be the case.