Was France the first military the U.S. fought against in WWII aside from Japan? I was thinking that might be the case.
Was France the first military the U.S. fought against in WWII aside from Japan? I was thinking that might be the case.
Actually, Germany was the first military the U.S. fought, even before Japan. There were several times the U.S. navy fought German U-boats, even before the U.S. entered the war.
My history knowledge is sorely lacking (I think my schooling stopped somewhere with the 18th century material), but there was no way I was guessing that.
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I was thinking more of an operation, rather that incidents.
but there was no way I was guessing that.
Yeah, it's weird and not very well known, considering that France was our ally during the war.
Another weird thing - when France was about to fall to Germany, the British navy destroyed a number of French warships (with French sailors still in them) to prevent them from falling into German hands. The French were rather angry at the British for this. This is why the U.S. navy lead the invasion of Casablanca instead of the British navy - the U.S. naively believed the French would not fire on them.
Yeah, it's weird and not very well known, considering that France was our ally during the war.
I had no idea about that.
Thanks for the link, ita.
There were several times the U.S. navy fought German U-boats, even before the U.S. entered the war.
Have you heard of the ship called the good Reuben James
Manned by hard fighting men both of honor and fame
She flew the Stars and Stripes of the land of the free
But tonight she's in her grave at the bottom of the sea
Tommy, I've seen a movie that had the situation you mention and now I will hunt teh interwebs to figure out which one it was.
I can't discuss the cat thing.
The French were rather angry at the British for this.
Killing 1300 people when you're not at war will do that sometimes.