Declared bedroom blood-drawing fan dead. It isn't easy to disassemble to get at the motor, which I assume is gucked up with dust. Stupid throw-away manufacturing. Need to get another fan. Like towers for downstairs, will see about up.
Bad thoughts on the stupid sword people. Mocking bad thoughts.
Always go with the indignant French teacher.
Also, I need to leave work.
what exactly is the occasion that one would need a giant ass sword?
Well, if you're ita it's practically an everyday occurrence.
I know Connie and her husband have several swords and like to take apart snowmen.
Or perhaps you are a butcher or perhaps a boot cobbler. Or attacked by Uruk Hai.
::waggles eyebrows::
what exactly is the occasion that one would need a giant ass sword?
Days that end in "y"? I only have a medium-assed sword. And some large knives.
Fuck. Despite surviving earlier, worse, storms, the fledges in my neighbor's downspout are apparently dead.
I was tempted to move them, why the fuck didn't I? Hope? Inertia?
I'm not even a bird person, yet I raised 2 sparrows from featherless to flight, recup'd countless pidgeons...gnahrgg. Nature. Stupid birds.
Now I need to tell my neighbor about the corpses rotting in his gutter. Fuck.
Drop deadline tomorrow (my author is flying to Italy on Thursday).
what exactly is the occasion that one would need a giant ass sword?
they did mention putting it by your door. Maybe for the mormons?
I can see appreciating swords, fine. I appreciate highly impractical vintage dresses that I would never have occasion to wear.
But the video seems intent on showing how much the thing can do, who is ever going to use it for anything like that?!?1 no one. or crazy people.
it is like some parody right out of the world of office space. That is how it play in my head. "Hey, Steve. Check out this bad ass giant sword I got. Watch, it'll cut a pig head in two. Just a minute, let me pull up my sans-a-belt pants. Hey is that a new vendor give-away polo your wearing? Did you get that at the trade show?"