Our conference call center hold music is horrendous. It isn't even really music. Mind-numbing noise. I'd rather listen to a jackhammer. I think there should be major punishment for (a) whoever thought that sound was a good idea and (b) any conference call leader who forgets to call in, leaving the rest of the participants listening to this crap.
No love.
Oops. Know what happens when you don't do any grading until the day grades are due?
At least I didn't have much grading left, but what I did have is taking me too long to finish.
Or random -- As for some, Ds for others! That will keep them on their toes.
I don't think I have the energy to fry the worms.
Hey look! time for me to leave. SEE YA!
Give everyone their grade based on your perception of them?
I am trying to get everything ready for my two weeks off and still make sure my seniors have a chance of graduation. ARGH.
Or random -- As for some, Ds for others! That will keep them on their toes.
As for some, miniature American flags for others.
I have a dilemma. I have to leave for a meeting where they are planning on having child care in an hour. Liv fell asleep awhile ago on the couch and she feels warm. Not 100% sure if she's having a fever but I suspect she is getting there. I think I need to bail on the meeting.
Our conference call center hold music is horrendous. It isn't even really music. Mind-numbing noise. I'd rather listen to a jackhammer.
I swear I hear ours in my sleep sometimes. Do not want.
Leo the Cat is home and seems much better. I am relieved. Also drinking.