I actually think it might be the Caffrey-Burkes
I'm going to have to go with the Parker/Spencers here, with a side order of blows-shit-up Hardison. Parker has no moral compass. Eliot has no physical peer. Well, except for the Israeli chick.
It's a tough call, but since Eliot has also proved himself a canny team lead, I'm voting for them because they're crazier too.
Still, the White Collar/Leverage crossover possibilities make me want to weep with anticipatory joy. But I spend too much time thinking of crossover fic as it is, and it's so hard a jones to feed.
HEP all the way. Not that PEN isn't awesome, but HEP has the better TLA.
I think Elizabeth has the potential to be scarier than Parker though. She might not actually carry through with as much, but I can see her
like more of a threat, and I think she might hold a grudge longer.
Parker blew up a house over a bunny rabbit. You may never actually know when you've crossed her. Elizabeth you might be able to reason with.
had herself buried because she was claustrophobic.
I love her, but I'm not sure I'd ever want to be alone in a room with her.
You have some idea of what might upset Elizabeth, I think. With Parker, it could be anything. She's a minefield.
Grr. Thwarted. Swam 10 minutes and then they closed the pool for lessons. Except it isn't on the schedule, and wasn't last week. So.
I'll go back at 7:30. Still bloody annoying, and I wasn't having the best day to begin with.
I'll watch Hardison/Parker/Eliot from afar.
Yes. This.
CJ has wandered all over the apartment. Looking for "something" but hasn't asked about the laptop. He did his homework and pulled out a puzzle.
Ooh, that's a tough one. I think I'll go with Alec/Parker/Eliot. Love.
I actually think they might be the scarier, too. Apparently I'm ok with that in my OT3s.
Which reminds me! I need some OT3 icons now that I'm all paid up over on dreamwidth. I am suddenly getting enthused for all sorts of icons.