It's helped me several times when DW requests nonexistent items when I go off to the grocery store.
I'll stop by the store on the way home from work, Hubby will say, "YOu didn't get X," I'll say, "You didn't say we needed X," he'll say, "Yes, I did." It would be very nice to call and say, "I've got A, B, and C. What else do we need?"
It's like tight jeans.
Or sexting!
The article likened it to a boom car, with the caveat that no actual woman finds a boom car attractive. The analogy does however have the advantage of maintaining the connection to tools.
we like the cars, the cars that go boom ... there's a whole song. some girls do like them.
Aw man, I'm a lousy feminist. My first thought was "not like it takes much to get those girls to mate with you anyway..."
::is ashamed::
Allyson, that stuff always stings deep.
I'm x-posting with Bitches and showing up here, first time in ages (hi! miss ya!) to bring you this:
You might want to opt out of Spokeo, pronto [link]
(And DavidS brings this, too: [link] )
Spider-Man foils comic book thief in Australia
Do headlines get much better?
This is my favorite part of the article:
He said a group of Jedi knights blocked the door to prevent the thief from escaping, as The Flash looked on.
May those (totally inaccurate) feelings pass soon, Allyson.
He said a group of Jedi knights blocked the door to prevent the thief from escaping, as The Flash looked on.
Yeah, turns out The Flash is a slacker.
Congrats on getting Sam published, Allyson. I'm looking forward to reading the book.
My BFF G.'s FWB recently started dating another woman "for real", and plans to keep hanging out at G.'s place, just not having sex anymore. He doesn't understand why G. is upset. Jackass.
Sometimes I don't listen to voicemail because it's from people who ramble. Or do a lot of "uhmmmm"ing. Drives me nuts. Figure out what you're going to say before you call, then get to the point! Quit wasting my time.
I use my cellphone so seldom, I just a month-to-month plan from Virgin. I'm thinking of upgrading to a smartphone, though. Camera/phone/email/web in one small device I can put in my purse: genius.
My oven just beeped loudly. I don't know if it's telling me it's preheated now, or if it's a warning that something's about to blow up. I hate cooking.
(The Bronx Zoo has 3 new lion cubs.)
It took us years to teach my Mother to leave an actual substantive message on voice mail. She thought it was rude. We would beg, "Just tell us WHY you called! Avoid fifteen rounds of tag!".
My Father can't text, but he likes GETTING texts. He acts like I've done something magical. "Hey! I got that text you sent!"
Srsly. Neither of them is old enough for this rediculousness.