It took us years to teach my Mother to leave an actual substantive message on voice mail. She thought it was rude. We would beg, "Just tell us WHY you called! Avoid fifteen rounds of tag!".
My Father can't text, but he likes GETTING texts. He acts like I've done something magical. "Hey! I got that text you sent!"
Srsly. Neither of them is old enough for this rediculousness.
Er, was this a sudden marriage, Allyson? Was he dating her all along? I'm just puzzled. I don't think I've ever had a FWB. The lady gays tend to do those very badly, and just start dating the people, and the have massive drama explosions that take out whole crowds of friends and can be recounted as epic stories years later, when someone is wondering why so and so won't be in the same room together, even though their friends broke up 10 years ago and they themselves never dated.
Aims, its three baby lions OR a camel.
Not both.
What Plei said about the TOTALLY UNWARRANTED feelings, Allyson.
Was this Toronto guy, or nearby guy?
Short-term that could work, but I don't see it ending happily. Well, not for you. Or the camel.
Well, not for long.
I think this means that I should get the baby lion kitties. Although I really want the gibbon that is on Zooborns today: [link]