Congrats, Allyson!
I have a few decent scars - one on my ankle when I tipped over a motorcycle while sitting on it and got pinned underneath. Another where the cartilage still dips in just below my knee from a go kart accident. The big one on my left arm happened when I had to break into my own home and a loose piece of glass dislodged and settled into my arm while I was reaching through to unlock the door.
I hope whoever wins the espresso machine loves it as much as I do!
Can someone explain this t-shirt to me?
A Plot to Destroy the King
My guess is it's a
Three Musketeers
reference. Cardinal Richelieu. CARDINAL. GET IT.
Oh, poor noodle.
In shallow news, David Boreanaz admits he's a cheater:
We totally used Papyrus for our wedding invitations...though that was almost 6 1/2 years ago now. I swear I'd only seen that font maybe six times ever before then; within a year it was all over everything, everywhere, but I swear it wasn't that way in January 2004!
Oh, I *like* that font. It was that the woman was publicly
counting down the days to her wedding that was so horror-musing!
The Biggest Oil Spills in History
If current estimates for the Deepwater Horizon oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico are correct, the massive spill could eventually dwarf that of Exxon Valdez spill of 1989 -- previously the largest in U.S. history -- by as much as three times. At a rate of 5,000 barrels a day, for an estimated 90 days, well over 20 million gallons of crude could be pumped out onto the Louisiana coastline. Even then, it might only crack the top 15 largest oil spills in world history. Here are the top five.
Top 15. Huh.
Ooof, I told mac tonight that a young woman (30s) he met from my parents' church died this weekend. She had been in a long battle with a painful and debilitating disease.
Oh, so sad. Ugh.
In less-important news, it turns out, my 100-year-old (or whatever) window frames don't really work with a new window a/c unit. Luckily, I had bought a bunch of those foam strips, so I made it work.
It was that the woman was publicly counting down the days to her wedding that was so horror-musing!
Um. I still don't get it. That was apparently the working cubicle of a dental assistant. If she's anything like the staff in my dentist's office, half the clientele treat the techs as neices or granddaughters, and ask after the dentist's wife and kids, what classes and extracurriculars they're involved in this year. They know the names of the people the staff are dating, when they have fights or break up, what church they go to, and when they get engaged. The sign may just be a way of keeping interested people updated.
I realize not all professional offices are this way, but some are, and that sign would not be remarkable there.
I'm so sorry, msbelle. Just want to wrap you both up in a hug tonight.
Argh, I hate iBank. It thinks I have about two paychecks less in my checking account than I actually have, but I can't find the error! I've reconciled back to the beginning of 2010, which means it's further back than that, and it is DRIVING ME MAD.