W]e do not and will not tolerate illegal immigration bringing with it very much so the implications of crime and terrorism into our state," - Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R).
Yes, because crossing a border so you can get a job and feed your family is exctly like, oh, say, planting a car bomb in the middle of Times Square. (Cue the world's tiniest violin.)
The bus driver was an older Latino, and a young black man came on the bus and didn't have a dollar for the fare. He said he wasn't paying, and when the bus driver wanted him to get off the bus he kept saying "It is too bad we don't live in Arizona, cause when you call the police, they would take you. You don't even speak English!"
That reminds me of something that happened on the bus last week - it was pouring rain and a Hasidic guy ran across the street (against the light, in front of the bus) to make it to the bus stop on time. The driver got really pissed, and when the guy got on the bus he started harrassing him - "Oh, you're one of the chosen people, yeah? You're lucky I don't have you locked up, Moishe, what do you think this is Boro Park?" and so on and so on and kept threatening to have the guy "locked up". (The Hasidic guy was responding in kind, but minus the racial slurs and threats of violence.)
You know Arizona has been under terrorist attacks, if you will,
What if I won't?
single wide floating down I-24 in Antioch
Good grief. I don't know if I want to turn on the news or not. I lived in Nashville for a long time.
Why must able-bodied people say it that way? As if not jumping around for six weeks tests the limits of human tolerance or something?
Just like the guy on online dating who compared my disability to his back injury.
Not unless people pointed when you got it, no. Not unless it cost you jobs or friends or people made you sit around while they talked smack about those *other* no-good people with back injuries who were just faking to game the system...oh, I didn't mean *you*, my god, don't be so sensitive.
AZ; Suddenly, that cloning law makes more sense...they know what can happen. They already made a governor out of a horse's ass.
Has anyone heard from Kate P? I hope she's not having to deal with flooding. Nashville is really a mess.
I'm OK, although currently without power at home. Our house is in a higher part of town, so we seem to have avoided water damage. The footage of the flooding is really scary, but none of the worst of it is very close to us. My office is open today. (Yay?)
My mother got power around 1 a.m., so I didn't have to figure out how to start a tweet war this morning.
I'm glad to hear it! If you ever need or want someone local to look in on her, I'm more than happy to help out.
I also heard from tiggy on Facebook, and she's OK too.
Picture from this morning at the Opryland:
That is scary, because if my memory is correct the floor of the Cascades is set somewhat higher than that of the adjoining arboretum and the lobby that opens onto both. Their lower level hallways and rooms must have been completely submerged.
They're saying over six feet of water in the lobby, Matt.
IlesshorrificN - mmm chili lime peanuts.
ugh, one of my adoption lists is exploding
Yipes msbelle, how distressing. I can't really imagine how to start coping with a revelation like that.
Good to hear you are well, if at work, Kate.
Oh msbelle, so horrible, so sad. All the chili lime peanuts in the world for you.