This weekend I made the mistake of reading the comments when I first saw the story about the attempted NYC car bomb. It's depressing to see the accusations flying before anyone knew anything.
Did you hear that Limbaugh is theorizing that the Gulf Coast oil refinery explosion may have been caused by "wacko environmentalist"?
It a way, it's genius by Limbaugh. This is what he does - he takes an event that might cause cognitive dissonance amongst the ditto-heads ("wow, there's a downside to drilling for oil in the Gulf!?!") and neatly blames it on liberals, thus relieving any cognitive dissonance the listener might have had. See, everything bad that's ever happened was really liberals' fault, so no need to worry your pretty conservative head.....
I have to say, whenever I see "dhow" I think "dhows. (ows.)" which I think was in a long-ago sarameg tagline.
Damn you, Tino. Just...damn you.
Did you hear that Limbaugh is theorizing that the Gulf Coast oil refinery explosion may have been caused by "wacko environmentalist"?
No surprise there. I suppose Greenpeace must have used it's deep sea diving submarine to sabotage the failsafe valve 5,000 feet down. Good business sense for Limbaugh though.
My favorite scar is the one on my chin -- my mom's ring snagged on a chicken pox scab and tore it off too early. Other than that it's surgical scars (C-section and gall bladder).
Buffista-worthy injuries might include: dropping a phone on my foot and breaking my little toe, and burning my upper arm with the cigarette in my mouth (not while drunk, sadly). Oh, and the freezer door once swung back and gave me a spectacular black eye.
One of my few permanent scars is on my forehead from being dropped by my sister when I was a baby. So when people ask if I was dropped on my head, I can show them the evidence.
Cool xkcd, for anyone with kids or who was a kid:
there are very few cool heads in the comment threads.
I choose the stories I read comments on very carefully. Mostly to get a quick sense of how local mood is running on a particular story in the local papers. And even then I often abandon it quickly.
Argh. Landscaping co said I could leave a tarp and a cheque in my mailbox if I had to leave, but she neglected to tell me how much it would cost, which I neglected to catch since I was outside at the time, trying to figure out what was wrong with my mower...and now I am only getting their voicemail. TINOOOOO!