Man, I saw a woman SOAKED on the subway platform and I felt bad, but it's been raining since the middle of the night. How do you not grab an umbrella or trashbag or something. drippy pants stuck to my body is heeby jeeby dance inducing, hate.
Boss is out all week and I plan to take the opportunity to plow through papers and start typing up procedures for the work I do. Fingers crossed for a productive first day.
Good luck with that, Sparky.
I hit a tree with my chair when I was twelve and I have a provocative bit of a road rash scar on my left wrist. It's so symnetrical that it has been mistaken for wrist surgery, and quite frankly, either self-mutilation or a suicide attempt, to which I can only say "Dark-humored people have accidents too."
Good Luck Sparky!
My sinus are being tingly, and not in the good wasabi way.
My biggest scar is from knee surgery, after I got hit by a car crossing the street. And they took a piece of bone from my hip to rebuild the knee, so there's a scar there too.
For a while I was tempted to get a tattoo of a zipper on top of the scar....
I just got these cool prescription sunglasses. So guess what I did today? I forgot my regular glasses, which means I gotta wear my sunglasses the whole day at work.
I turned my four monitors as bright as they go, which is good enough for me to see them. But the polarization issues are weird - if I tilt my head to the left, the screens get brighter. If I tilt my head to the right, the screens go dark. Weird.
so last night i took a bath. Nathaniel the cat kept trying to walk on me . and then my head and hair -- great things to play with
When did I get injured? turning of the water with my foot ( it is just push in ) Somehow that tweaked my knee
Has anyone heard from Kate P? I hope she's not having to deal with flooding. Nashville is really a mess.
My mother got power around 1 a.m., so I didn't have to figure out how to start a tweet war this morning.
She starts today, and emailed that she thought she wouldn't participate in helping to wash toys just yet since her little fellow really doesn't play with them much (he's three months, so she's not wrong).
@@. That's so weird to me because I know *I* would be so paranoid about fitting in and people liking my baby and so on.
ION, a coyote just sauntered down our street.
Has anyone heard from Kate P? I hope she's not having to deal with flooding. Nashville is really a mess.
Ooo. I'll call or text her now and report back.
Sparky, that lady is so @@-provoking. I hope it's just some weird manifestation of nerves and that she chills out.