Age 3: cut up my face "shaving" with my dad's razor. Unknown number of stitches.
Age 4: to the ER after painting myself all over the body to look like a Dalmatian. (No scars from this, just too good not to tell.
Age 4: flipped the Big Wheel, 9 stitches in back of head
Age 13: tripped on a hill, hit sidewalk with face
Age 14: rode bike down hill, hit pothole, landed on chin (9 stitches)
Age 18: climbing Dunn's River Falls, step on glass, slice foot open across the [foot equivalent of the] palm. Still get random pain/itchiness across the scar.
Age 19: condemned pier collapsed under me, 30 some stitches, able to touch skull. Went to Guatemala 3 days later and had to use bottled water to wash my face or hair.
Age 21: gesturing with knife in hand, stabbed self in calf. No stitches but still have the scar.
Age 38: dropped chef's knife, stabbed through nail into big toe.
I think that's all? Possibly I'm forgetting some. Mostly I'm just glad that my destructive impluses have moved from my head and face to my legs.
I DO have a scar from a stingray that's more exotic.
Ooh, I forgot! Age 1: stung by jellyfish.
Gud, her name wasn't Diane, was it?
Nope, Lara. No snowbank crashing either. As a passenger, I was involved in a crash into a big hedge. I'm not sure exactly how it happened, the driver said "Watch This" and the next thing I knew the view from every window was the inside of a bush.
no big scars.
on the outside.
runs away crying.
Electric shock from alfredo sauce.
This wins for the sheer WTFery of it.
And falling through a condemned pier wins for the picturesqueness of it.
Oh, I did slice my palm open while cutting carrots. While away at Girl Scout camp. That scar has faded quite a bit, and scores pretty high on the stupidity index.
All my scars that have any kind of story attached seem to have faded. I have the burn on my thumb from Friday (taking brea dout of the oven while talking on the phone). And a couple of old popcorn-related scars, but they are much less noticeable than they used to be.
Holy moley!
Turns out I'm not half as accident prone as I thought.
I counted up my injuries and surgeries, but came up with only 6, three of which didn't even leave scars!
eta: Oh right! Adding being thrown 4 feet against a fence by an electric shock from a pool filter thingy. Being attacked by Nubian goats (they are organized, don't turn your back on them!). And falling about 15 feet off a boat, onto concrete.
But none of them left actual scars.
etaa: Second degree burn...still no scar.
The very worst of all these? No lie, the stingray strike. Worst pain I have ever felt, or even hope to. Goose flesh just thinking about it, some 15 years later!
I don't think bubblewrap is going to be enough for you, Ginger.
The first step will to be to remove everything sharp or hot from your house.