I just packed a box of coldish weather clothes I still had in my dresser. 19 pairs of tights!
t /issues
2 ebay things sold, but just for a buck each, pffft! still they pay for shipping, so it's not like I lose money. will put those in the bag and take to work tomorrow. stuff out is stuff out. another sweater to the donation bag also.
This takes extreme nerve on BPs part.
The Gulf coast people should protest British Petroleum with a new Tea party, take a bunch of their oil and dump . . . Oh, never mind, just sue 'em.
A couple of days ago my daughter got her head stuck between her bed frame and her desk while trying to fish for a dropped book. No actual injury, fortunately.
She's your child, alright.
Mind you, I amost did the same thing on an airplane yesterday when something slid forward on landing.
I injured my tailbone seeing what would happen if I rollerskated on a frozen over deck. My younger bro still pulls this tale out on occasion.
Not an injury, but here's a very Buffista thing: my 14-year-old nephew has his first girlfriend and has made an Excel spreadsheet of all the things they have in common.
I think the universe does not want me to pick up my meds. I was supposed to get them Friday, but it was a crazy day, and I didn't have time. So I took the bus in Saturday, but there was a delay, and I arrived 5 minutes after the pharm closed. Today I was going to pick them up before my BBQ, but when I arrived I did not have my wallet! By the time I got home and found it, the pharm had closed. I did not go back out for the BBQ.
My best scar is on my knee from wiping out on the post-snow gravel covered blacktop. While chasing a boy. To fight with him.
I had to get six stitches in my chin from showing off for a boy. I was four and rode my wheeled giraffe into a brick fireplace. It was supposed to wheelie up--that's what it had done all the other times.
That time I came smashing down on the edge instead.
Not sure if he was impressed.
Man, I loved that giraffe.
And that fireplace.
And I kinda liked the boy.
Liese, that is pretty awesome.
Ferrari is being investigated because their barcode livery amounts to subliminal advertising for Marlboro.
Idiots. It's not subliminal.
It's clever, but it's not subliminal. It's the barcode for Marlboro.
While chasing a boy. To fight with him.
Ah, young love.
I have never had an injury, Buffista-ish or otherwise.
I'd like to say all four of my scars came from fighting pirates, but that wouldn't be quite accurate. Fell out of a highchair, hit by a swing, cut on a mudflap, and ran smack into a barbed wire fence at night.