If it makes you feel any better, our authors (who are either natives or language teachers or both) make mistakes all the time. Everyone does. That's why you need editors, even in your own language.
You're absolutely right and I know this. I was just having a minor freak out, since I'm also at the "OMIGAWD THIS WHOLE BOOK SUCKS!" stage. Also, needed protein.
But since you're around, megan, is bebe accented with acute or grave marks? I've seen both, but the grave doesn't seem right to me.
That sounds nast. And weird.
It is. I just hope it's not the dryer (drier?) Now they both look weird.
is bebe accented with acute or grave marks?
Acute: bébé
I'm very not ready for tomorrow to be Monday. Can we insert an extra day into the weekend? Please?
I like this plan. I'm getting so much done!
My dinner, btw, was The Nom. And local organic strawberries for dessert. I'm so impatient for my own garden to start producing stuff.
Acute: bébé
Thank you.
And it's dryer. Which does look weird, admittedly.
Another day before Monday? Yes please.
You guys! I have floor in the storage room! Sure, it's randomly sprinkled with sparkly bat and star confetti, but OMG floor!
Yes, I want another day before Monday, please. That would give me more time to organize stuff.
Congrats on the progress, Jilli!
The cats are chasing each other through the house and cracking us up. Pets = fun. Most of the time, anyway.
What's not fun? The changes to the show at the beginning of season 3 of Six Feet Under. Not loving where this is going.
oh, I also vote for another day.
I am making hummus. that is getting rid of one can of garbonzo beans and half a container of tahini. also fed the cats wet food tonight getting rid of a can.
my tv continues to be crazy. I have to manually set it to record off of the hd channels because the reception is so much better, but my tivo doesn't think I get those channels, so it doesn't give me the programming in my guide listings.
I'm sorry, you guys -- I can recommend taking Monday off work, but I can't take another day between now and Wednesday!
Moooom, Jesse's mean.
Hummus sounds good right about now. Much healthier than the package of chocolate Mochi that M and I just polished off.