oh, I also vote for another day.
I am making hummus. that is getting rid of one can of garbonzo beans and half a container of tahini. also fed the cats wet food tonight getting rid of a can.
my tv continues to be crazy. I have to manually set it to record off of the hd channels because the reception is so much better, but my tivo doesn't think I get those channels, so it doesn't give me the programming in my guide listings.
I'm sorry, you guys -- I can recommend taking Monday off work, but I can't take another day between now and Wednesday!
Moooom, Jesse's mean.
Hummus sounds good right about now. Much healthier than the package of chocolate Mochi that M and I just polished off.
I had a bottle I actually had to wait to have opened until Garv came home the other day. I couldn't even get it with a rubber gripper. Mortifying.
Stuck caps can be held upside down in hot water until they loosen. Can take a bit, mind. And then you need to make sure you clean the threads that got gunked up.
but my tivo doesn't think I get those channels,
You can tell your Tivo what channels you get. It's in setup.
And then you need to make sure you clean the threads that got gunked up.
Ahhh. That flashed me back to the drug study I did (as a lab rat) where I had a shunt put in my arm and how the dried blood would gunk up the threads and they'd have to yank and pull at it to unscrew it after the fourth draw. Unpleasant!
I had a bottle I actually had to wait to have opened until Garv came home the other day. I couldn't even get it with a rubber gripper. Mortifying.
Pliers, baby. And a rubber grip on the base.
Ahhh. That flashed me back to the drug study I did (as a lab rat) where I had a shunt put in my arm and how the dried blood would gunk up the threads and they'd have to yank and pull at it to unscrew it after the fourth draw. Unpleasant!
Eww. I suppose they didn't clean them with acetone, right?
Pliers, baby. And a rubber grip on the base.
Oooh, I didn't think about that. Thanks for the hot water tip, too, Plei. It was my new OPI, too, and I was pissed. off.