My Saturday has included karate class, lunch at Panera, price checking at Target and spending a bundle at Costco.
Laundry is running, looks like I have 2 loads worth. Need to fold it all, clean my bathroom, and generally straighten up my room.
Tomorrow should include a trip to the farmers market with Nicole and I might treat myself to a mani/pedi.
I've had good luck with Le Mystère, and the occasional Bali or Freya.
Tried those. (Balis never work for me, cut across the chest too sharply.) Basically every brand they carried in my size, every damned style. 2 hours.
And the 3 way mirror really allowed me to see how much I sunburnt my neck today.
Sarameg, did you get the brand and style of the almost? Check eBay for it, because almost at eBay prices is easier to swallow.
Timelies all!
Spent the day at Malice Domestic, attending panels. (Had to get up at 6:30 to make the first panel, as I'm commuting, but that's ok) Only bought two books. Got 10 books in my freebie bag(3 of which I've already read, so I'm going to see if I can swap them for books I haven't read), though. I go back tomorrow.
"Almost" wasn't better than the ones I have now. I'm not going to bother.
eta: ahrg. I'm nearly to the point of tears over this, and just not worth it. Letting go.
sarameg, sorry about the bra frustration. I have chocolate mint, too! Did you plant yours in the ground or a container? Just wanted to make sure you know that mint will Take. Over. It spreads like a fiend.
Changed the cat pans, more stuff in the dryer. I am a sweaty monkey. Not going to get much more done tonight, unless I can do it while watching Who.
Just wanted to make sure you know that mint will Take. Over. It spreads like a fiend.
I kinda want it to. Anything is better than the damned weed/vine evil combo, and I hope it can defeat it. Like I said: bag and a half of that, and that's basically from the last 2 weeks of growth. And this will smell much, much better.
Look at it this way: I now have a path into different sections of the Storage Room! I didn't have that before.
Does this mean you're going to allow me in there some day?
Jilli took one look at my purse/shoe armoire and declared I was never to be allowed in The Storage Room O'Doom! because I was Very Virgo.
Oh, and Jilli and Plei, you were SO right about the Hellmouth being south of I-90. I had to go to Covington today for an RWA function. I was a'skeered.