Just wanted to make sure you know that mint will Take. Over. It spreads like a fiend.
I kinda want it to. Anything is better than the damned weed/vine evil combo, and I hope it can defeat it. Like I said: bag and a half of that, and that's basically from the last 2 weeks of growth. And this will smell much, much better.
Look at it this way: I now have a path into different sections of the Storage Room! I didn't have that before.
Does this mean you're going to allow me in there some day?
Jilli took one look at my purse/shoe armoire and declared I was never to be allowed in The Storage Room O'Doom! because I was Very Virgo.
Oh, and Jilli and Plei, you were SO right about the Hellmouth being south of I-90. I had to go to Covington today for an RWA function. I was a'skeered.
Smonster, thanks for reminding me to move stuff to the dryer. I am determined to finish my chores tonight so I can play tomorrow.
I kinda want it to.
I love when the weeds are replaced by mint. Smells fantastic.
Here the weed is often blackberry. Yummy potential but those are some bloodthirsty vines.
flea, your children are worth their weight in comedy gold.
We took the dogs on a five-mile walk this morning. Then we went to this place: [link] and got some cool succulents to replace the two plants from out front which did not take to their new places. We stopped by the hardware store and got a couple more pots and dirt to finish our vegetable garden in back and set up a soaker hose for it. My superfine DH also replaced my burnt-out headlight. Nice to accomplish stuff.
Way to go, meara!
The vines I'm fighting are blackberry. We're at a draw right now, I think, but I'm afraid they are making a stand somewhere I don't know bout yet. I hope I can get some berries out of the battle, at least.
Just paid bills. Still have to go through the mail. Thinking about doing laundry tonight so I can be free to enjoy IKEA tomorrow...
Nice dinosaur! That place looks awesome, Scrappy.
I have chocolate mint in my strawberry jar. I put it in last year and it overwintered, along with the chives and something that I think is pineapple mint.
If something new overwinters every year, eventually I won't need to buy new plants for it.
Mint does smell lovely underfoot.
Sorted beads for Connie and put Frontline on the animals while watching Who, and emptied the dishwasher during commercials. I think I'll put sheets back on the bed and be done for tonight.