Is there a drawback to having two of those genes? Any reason we shouldn't experiment on giving humans another one?
I don't think we know of any drawback (and mole rats can live up to 28 years - rodents, living nearly three decades, any drawback can't be
serious). There are indeed researchers working on whether this could be turned into some kind of therapy. Presumably not working in Arizona.
I'm planning on going to Ikea tomorrow. Finally going to have two dressers for me and DH, is the idea.
And I have a chocolate mint plant that I love the smell of. Would like pineapple sage, that sounds lovely.
Jesse, trip to Greece!?! Also, where are you that you can't drink the water??
Yep, Greece and Turkey on a tour with my parents in June. Exciting! And I am currently in Boston, where we can't drink the water. [link] Oops.
Thanks, y'all!
And congrats to all the organizing, cleaning, planting, napping buffistas. Sounds like it's been a mostly good Saturday for people.
I don't think we know of any drawback (and mole rats can live up to 28 years - rodents, living nearly three decades, any drawback can't be that serious). There are indeed researchers working on whether this could be turned into some kind of therapy.
If it'll keep me from getting any of the many types of cancer that are in my family tree, I'll be happy to go the gene splicy route. Any mind-control pheromones I manifest will just be something I'll have to deal with. *rubs hands together in mad sciency glee*
mac only wanted perishables for dinner, but I managed to finally make slaw which used up one jar of mayo and quite a bit of the bottle of vinegar. too bad I have full and unopened bottles of both still sitting on the shelf mocking me.
I still think I might get muffins in the oven tonight which would get rid of one more can and the oft-mentioned misc baking goods.
It's official: I am fucking SOL when it comes to finding a bra that fits
I've had good luck with Le Mystère, and the occasional Bali or Freya. And I'm pretty sure I tried on more than 30 bras in order to find those.
Bras: officially worse than shopping for jeans.
Woot! Am so proud! I just fixed my own leaky toilet for $1.67 in parts. (or, one part, really). I figured out the other day how to turn it off because it was running and making me crazy, then today opened it up and went "hmm, there's a seal, maybe that?" and reached down and it broke off as I touched it. And I went to homo depot and managed to grab the right part by guessing and brought it home and followed the instructions on the back, and it worked!!!
My Saturday has included karate class, lunch at Panera, price checking at Target and spending a bundle at Costco.
Laundry is running, looks like I have 2 loads worth. Need to fold it all, clean my bathroom, and generally straighten up my room.
Tomorrow should include a trip to the farmers market with Nicole and I might treat myself to a mani/pedi.