flea, bwah! And definitely not for Facebook.
Go, Jilli!
Congrats, Calli!
Accomplished so far: Took Matilda to circus class; used up a gift card on a mix of necessities (various household cleansers of which we were down to lid scrapings and fumes) and frivolities (haircolor and eyebrow tweezers yay!); sorted laundry; downloaded the last 4 eps of Parenthood to watch later while I'm folding said laundry. Now off to actually do the laundry and finish line edits on a piece I'm proofing for someone.
Hec and Matilda are off to one of Emmett's baseball games, and it's blissfully quiet.
flea, that's fucking great.
Hec and Matilda are off to one of Emmett's baseball games, and it's blissfully quiet.
Sometimes a little bit of calm is exactly what you need. And deserve.
flea, thanks for sharing.
Go Jilli! Go msbelle! I finished my monthly report and did the washer/dryer shuffle. Now to fold (while watching something, probably) and then to feed the animals and myself. If I stay home tonight maybe I'll do some decluttering, too.
I was just thinking I should go to the practical shoe store, but I think I'll save it for this week, when I'm not working. Or only working a little bit.
I want more boots. I wonder if I want more boots enough to get my ass to DSW and see if they actually have any in stock...
But I really don't need more boots. They're just cool.
Stompy stomp stomp stomp.
I need sandals I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like very much, for the Greece trip. @@
clothes are drying and I taped up two boxes of kitchen stuff.
I have two tiny itchy bumps that just came up on my hand and I'm completely paranoid it's poison ivy (to which I am horribly allergic). When the heck could I have gotten into poison ivy in the last 48 hours? ARGH.
I got my hair cut, did a couple of errands, took a nap, did some yard work, mopped the kitchen floor, and now I'm off to make my parents dinner. Not accomplished: lighting fixtures and plants. Tomorrow, maybe.
I probably shouldn't have taken a nap, but it was lovely.