Oy, I have so much to do today, and I just wanna sit on the porch in the sun and read Narnia fic. (Don't ask why, I have no idea.)
Instead I must do yard work, pick up dry cleaning and hemmed pants from the tailor, go to Home Despot for light fixtures and plants, get my hair cut, go to the grocery store, and go make my parents a healthy dinner. Oh, and find the time to mop the kitchen floor. Argh.
However if I get all that done, I get to take tomorrow off completely, and that means going to see JDM with Juliana and Perkins, yay!
I have tidied my kitchen in preparation for cleaning it. That's something. I intend to get the whole apartment done, including a fair amount of laundry, before having to go in for the procedure. Migraine allowing.
I wish I had any idea if I was going to be out of it or not. I'm not sure what stuff to bring--do I risk it and bring the laptop so I can be on the internet? Do I just bring books? iPod? Phone? Or will I be fucked up for two days?
He decided we could leave at 11:15, so we've been to the clothing recycling drop off and now at the bookstore. God help me, I am buying him the boy's guide to boy's bodies.
However if I get all that done, I get to take tomorrow off completely, and that means going to see JDM with Juliana and Perkins, yay!
If I get enough done today, and I'm not coughing too bad, I get to go see him tonight! Not with Juliana and Perkins, sadly, but Garv is good in a pinch.
I'm not sure what stuff to bring--do I risk it and bring the laptop so I can be on the internet? Do I just bring books? iPod? Phone?
I would bring the iPod, phone, and maybe one book and a magazine.
Someone really should have explained the procedure to you before now. Man, in another life I'm going to be a patient advocate. I've seen so much bullshit and misinformation and poor treatment with my mom, I get my ire on with doctors who aren't communicative pretty quick.
I have a bunch of stuff I need to do today (somehow, "sleeping in" ended up being until 9:30...OMG). But I also woke up with a headache. Grr. Took painkiller. So far not working. Am trying to get up the energy to shower and get dressed and go get coffee, and see if that helps.
I have changed my linens, hung up a load of laundry, started another one, and spent an hour using a lint roller on my sofa to remove all the little bits of fluff from the red velour cloth I'd covered it with. That's enough productivity for one day, right?
I just had a lovely morning with my mother -- shopping, a little walking, a nice lunch! And then I made her take the bus home (as opposed to the subway -- it really made more sense for where she was going). Good times. I wish I had a porch or similar, because I don't necessarily feel like being Out, but I'd love to be outside.
It's actually hot here today. I may take the laptop outside and sit in the sun for a while. Vitamin D is good for burning out the sick, right?
Still doing laundry, including my sheets. Cleaned the sink and toilet, pulled some spoiled stuff from the fridge to go in the compost. Now eating spinach mushroom soup with pita chips and watching Modern Family.
Good times. I wish I had a porch or similar, because I don't necessarily feel like being Out, but I'd love to be outside.
Me too. My building has a roof deck, so I might go sit there.