Also, in "I forget other people aren't us." news. I was coming up with classic screen couples, and a coworker mentioned Maverick and Charlie, and before I knew it, "I think you mean "Maverick and Ice Man" came flying out of my mouth.
Not really the same thing, but I also insisted on adding Ennis and Jack. I would like it if this list reflected more than hetero couples.
There was GCS fic *before* Fay started writing her (adorable! brilliant!) story.
Was there really? Oh dear lord.
Actually, when I first heard of RPF (and it was in regards to bands) my reaction was, "What if people started writing stories about Jilli?" That's pretty much been my standard ever since. If it would make me/Jilli uncomfortable were it about Jilli I skip it.
This pretty much amounts to "no sex" (which eliminates a LOT)with the noted exception of an extended tale where everyone turned into vampires and fucked. That one I read. Hell, Jilli might have recced it.
Mostly I've enjoyed "what if they'd never been a band and all worked at a ___________" stories. Oh, and prequels/sequels to videos.
with MCR being included in bandom because ... they toured with FOB on Warped? I think that's the reason.
And also because they are awesome.
U.S. Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes:
U.S. military rules specifically prohibit the proselytizing of any religion in Iraq or Afghanistan and were drawn up in order to prevent criticism that the U.S. was embarked on a religious "Crusade" in its war against al Qaeda and Iraqi insurgents.
One of the citations on the gun sights, 2COR4:6, is an apparent reference to Second Corinthians 4:6 of the New Testament, which reads: "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."
I'm not even sure Jesus would be cool with that.
The use of "actionable" to me "able to be acted on" has become depressingly common. It makes me want to sue someone.
Which is ironic, because in a legal context "actionable" means able to be sued for.
I don't know the cause/effect order, but have non bandom bands historically been as social networking happy?
It seems like a lot of the sense of personal connection comes out of that relationship. And, of course this might just be my perception, it seems like MCR, FOB, AFP, etc. were some of the early adopters of MySpace (and have eagerly adopted each new permutation). I'm pretty sure, actually, that the contracts of Decaydance bands specify that they'll be paying less of X because they will be (and are expected to be) doing so much free promotion/networking themselves.
there are already people who fic pols, commentators, Stephen Colbert.
I know a few...
Now Dirty Colbert I would be forced to read...
(Though about the
Stephen, not the
one who shops at the same grocery store as one of my Aunts.)
Others are "bandom-adjacent" for having toured with one of those three, Others are "bandom-adjacent" for having toured with one of those three,
Billy Idol toured with My Chemical Romance on one Warped! tour . . . and I was there . . .
Yes, I still tell tales of my time in the mosh pit, and people still look at me in awe. I know dull people (not all of them).
Mini Cupcake Maker, in that it makes mini cupcakes, but it's also mini itself.