We have rain forecast also, but my commute was dry.
I kinda forgot that my boss leaves today on a business trip, so I am frantically trying to finalize all his meetings over there, get his scheduled typed up, and get his car reserved. OF COURSE, he wants me to change his return flight now.
We are apparently having flurries, because I swear it was snowing earlier.
It was snowing! Snowing during exactly the time I walk around outside during the commuting process.
Phew. I was afraid I was crazy.
I like this post of reaction shots from the Golden Globes. I may indeed be over my Gerard Butler crush. Oh, I'd still do him, but only if he was in film shape.
They needed to have Steve Carrell's unamused face at Gervais' opening monologue--I think Ricky didn't do too well, despite loving his jab at Mel Gibson. But I've recently been told he's a douchebag and that's probably colouring things.
The difference between Nora Ephron and Meryl Streep clearly shows which one of them is a professional actor. As well as being classy and awesome.
The voodoo dolls are made of awesome.
I like this post of reaction shots from the Golden Globes.
Andrew Sullivan has a great one of NPH checking out Mickey Rourke (not like that!)
ETA: [link]
The Pat Robertson doll has already been pulled.
From last night:
There is a NYT columnist and author named Gina Kolata. And every time I see her name, I can't help singing "If you like Gina Kolata.... gettin' caught in the rain."
I think it was Stephen Colbert who sang that to her when she was his interview a few years back. She said that she gets it all the time. She's a good writer--I have her book on the 1918 flu.