Puppies? I must have missed a link. Will have to backtrack.
Remade Karate Kid and Ice Castles in WRONG. Glad I missed the straight to tv of Ice Castles, but you know there will be heavy promotion for Karate Kid. WRONG.
The folks in the apartment above me are moving out. I love them. Ok, I've never met them, but we rarely heard them. Today is all bumps and thumps and annoying loudness.
Ok, Mom Shiba Inu just got up, sat on the puppies, and cleaned her nether regions.
No matter how much you want to romanticize dogs, they do have a way of bringing things back down to earth.
develop FlyLady for purple-hating, heteronormative-avoidant internet peoples.
I read people as puppies, and thought for a moment we were going to somehow combine flylady and puppy cam!
Yikes! I hope everyone in Brooklyn is okay:
That's right near me! I didn't hear anything, though.
Stay safe, people of Brooklyn!
somehow combine flylady and puppy cam!
A website that tells you to go clean your kitchen for 15 minutes, and if you do you can look at puppies?
That could work.
Yikes, Brooklyn! I'm glad you didn't hear anything, Tom.
A website that tells you to go clean your kitchen for 15 minutes, and if you do you can look at puppies?
That could work.
I was sort of thinking that I could write up a years worth of email reminders, and have my email program send me a different one each day. And then I realized that it would take the rest of my life.
I know a number of people that use the fly lady. I wouldn't mind something similar but less annoying. Oddly the part that gets me is this whole insistence on getting dressed and putting on shoes. shoes are optional in my world and because of my work hours -- I change clothes a lot,
The movie was as bad as expected, bad acting, bad dialogue, just ugh. I did manage to sleep a teeny tiny bit and also just zone with my eyes closed for bits.
One good bit was Chan's character tells one of the kids that he was raised in a group home and that they are all his family. He said family is not just someone who is your blood relative, but the people you love. And mac reached over and grabbed my hand. That was worth the $20.