What do you guys think is the best place to donate? Red Cross? Doctors Without Borders?
I suppose nobody really knows, but it can't be good with a city like that being hit with a big earthquake.
I always give to Doctors Without Borders.
Those are probably both decent choices, Dana. I don't think your money is in bad hands with either one.
They are also French so they may already have a decent presence in Haiti.
I doubt the death toll will reach 100,000, though tens of thousands seems probable.
People survive earthquakes in a way they don't survive typhoons and flooding.
I'd like to believe that this would be an opportunity to rebuild Haiti into something more stable, but I doubt that will happen. It just a huge dose of human misery to a place that's already a wreck.
The Onion,
Gay Teen Worried He Might Be Christian
Faber's parents, although concerned, said they're convinced their otherwise typical gay son is merely going through a conservative Christian phase.
"I caught him watching The 700 Club once when he thought he was alone in the house, and last week, I found some paperbacks from the Left Behind series hidden in his sock drawer," his mother, Eileen Faber, said. "I'm sure he'll grow out of it, but even if he doesn't, I will love and accept my son no matter what."
Faber's father was far less tolerant in his comments.
"No son of mine is going to try to get intelligent design into school textbooks," Geoffrey Faber said. "And I absolutely refuse to pay his tuition if he decides to go to one of those colleges like Oral Roberts University where they're just going to fill his head with a lot of crazy conservative ideas."
He added, "I just want my normal gay son back.
I just made an appointment to give blood on Friday morning. I don't need it all.
Oh, oh, do earthquake victims need maternal guilt? I have plenty of that to spare as well.