A website devoted to future fashion discusses the jumpsuit:
Union suits, long underwear, jammies-- call them what you will; the uniform of Future Past is the jumpsuit and its near kith and kin. For men, at least. For women, really, really short skirts are always an option.
Why this love of jumpsuits is so strong remains a mystery. Certainly they have an air of simplicity and efficiency that implies a go-ahead world of tomorrow, but they also tend to lack pockets, are extremely unflattering on spacemen beyond a certain age and girth, tend to ride up in unfortunate places and, in some cases, makes going to the toilet a matter of disrobing completely.
Forbidden Planet
had jumpsuits before Trek did....
Haiti's Prime Minister: Hundreds Of Thousands Dead
The prime minister of Haiti, Jean-Max Bellerive, told CNN today that hundreds of thousands of people have died following the catastrophic earthquake that struck near the capitol of Port-au-Prince yesterday.
There are only nine million people in the entire country. Which makes the percentage -- just staggering.
Forbidden Planet had jumpsuits before Trek did....
Great movie.
Edit: Awkward cross posting there.
Jesus. Apparently my cousin's fiance is OK, but I have no idea about the rest of his family.
call them what you will
Given that any attempt to predict future fashion will be ludicrous, I think jumpsuits are at least fairly simple for illustrators and costume designers.
Yeah, the Star Trek costume department used to hate it when they had to design civilian clothes.