-t is the anti-me in this, apparently.
We're complementary. We should live together! I'll clean the kitchen during Community, you can tidy something up during Parks and Rec, we'll have a clean house for The Office and 30 Rock. It's a foolproof plan. Aside from all that pesky geography.
The best thing since online check-in for flights.
I'm surprised he skipped over how sliced bread starts life as unsliced bread. Frankly, by the time it's toast, I think it is closer to the end of its life than the start.
I'm surprised he skipped over how sliced bread starts life as unsliced bread.
In the future, bread is baked in slices instead of loafs.
While you are at school in one room, your parents may be at work in another. People who do office work do it at home. To keep in close touch with other people in their office they use the vision phone. The viision desk is connected to their firm’s computer, which stores all the office files. With this close contact betwen everybody in the office, it is easy to work from home.
Wherever people work—in a factory or at home, or whatever else their job might be—they will work for only three days a week. The rest of the week they can do what they like. They can play football, learn a language, or train for a new job.
Ah, the good old days. Back when we thought we'd be working fewer hours in the future instead of more hours.
dear boss,
when you tell me to tell someone that you will call them back, that is what I tell them. please do not ask me in a huffy tone "was I supposed to call X back?", as if I had neglected to inform you of something.
also? when your employee tells you something is on the foreign office directory (twice in the 10 min you all were discussing it), what do you think it implies when you ask "is it on our local drive?"?
Unfortunately, I think we're still on this page.
Why does everyone envision a future where we wear jumpsuits?
I envision a future where only Sophia wears a jumpsuit but it's fabulously detailed with leopard print lapels.
What is Bachelor Chow?
A joke on Futurama.
And now for something completely different. The Case of the haunted scrotum
A 45-year-old man was referred for investigation of an undescended right testis by computed tomography (CT). An ultrasound scan showed a normal testis and epididymis on the left side. The right testis was not visualized in the scrotal sac or in the right inguinal region. On CT scanning of the abdomen and pelvis, the right testis was not identified but the left side of the scrotum seemed to be occupied by a screaming ghostlike apparition (Figure 1). By chance, the distribution of normal anatomical structures within the left side of the scrotum had combined to produce this image. What of the undescended right testis? None was found. If you were a right testis, would you want to share the scrotum with that?